Are motorbikes risky?

2016-01-16 8:01 am

回答 (30)

2016-01-17 2:33 am
In an accident, you are more likely to get seriously injured. However, technically speaking. A motorcycle is the safest vehicle on the road when ridden properly. You can stop quicker, avoid obstacles easier, visibility is immensely better, and in a situation where someone crosses center line on you, you may be able to ride the shoulder giving them the entire lane. Something impossible with a 4 wheeler.
2016-01-16 6:15 pm
Yes. They are risky but are loads of fun. You have no protection and no control over the unsafe people driving automobiles. I had 5 bikes and rode for 13 years. I was very fortunate to have dropped it a few times and suffered minor brush burns and scrapes. I never had a confrontation with a car. I had a few buds who were injured badly in accidents.. They survived with battle scars. I quit riding because I figured the law of averages would catch up with me. It was a great fun memorable experience and I am still walking and talking and unscathed. I also became a much safer more alert attentive automobile driver because of it.
2016-01-16 1:37 pm
Risky compared to what?

Standing in a open field with a large metal pole in your hands during a thunder storm is far more risky than owning a motorcycle.
But riding a motorcycle aggressively while speeding and weaving between vehicles is much more risky than sitting on a park bench in the park during a sunny afternoon.

All forms of transportation come with some risk. Crashing on a motorcycle is about 20 times more likely to result in injury or death compared to being involved in the same crash while inside a car. But, as a motorcycle rider, you can minimize the risk of being involved in a crash by being alert of your surroundings and riding defensively. As the saying goes, you have a much better chance of surviving an accident by avoiding the accident.
2016-01-16 3:49 pm
yes. However, I have ridden 31 years with no accidents. By knowing the statistics and stearing clear of greater dangers. But, the fact remains. One accident could be my last. This is the risk. I chose to take the risk. Looking back I would have missed out on 31 years of great memories. Motorcycles have less accidents per mile than cars. Think about it. How often do you see a motorcyclist talking, texting, eating, looking for something lost behind the seat or like some car drivers do. Read a book while driving. I generally don't ride during rush hours. I avoid big cities. I make sure my ride is well maintained. Brakes, tires, final drive, lights, even oil changed on time. Know how to maintain your bike and do the work yourself when you can. Wear gear for the accident. since you never know when you might have an accident it is best to wear safety gear all the time. That includes warm enough gear for rain and cold weather.
2016-01-16 8:54 am
A motor bike rarely hurts anyone, it's the riders who cause all the problems.
Compared to other road users bike riders have a lower survival rate and a greater chance of serious injury. A motorcyclist hits an 18 wheeler there's only ever one winner,
2016-01-16 8:32 am
Compared to a car?

Yes. If you get into an accident on a bike you end up bouncing down the road hoping your helmet and leathers prevent serious injuries.

In a car you have a metal frame, seat belts and airbags to help protect you.

Now this isn't to say that riding a bike is an instant death sentence, and riding carefully will certainly reduce the risk, but statistically riding a bike is more dangerous than a car.
2016-01-28 2:42 pm
Walking down the street is risky I'm guessing mum but I am 14 started riding when I was like 9 or 10 and i can't recall any bad injuries I hurt my back on one crash and I got an exhaust burn once off a friends bike that didn't have a heat shield and I got the clutch leaver in my chest once most of there wouldn't have happened if I was wearing proper gear I think the bare minimum should be helmet propper boots and proper clothes are good too but you could go full compression suit kidney belt knee braces elbow pads neck brace but today I rode in a helmet boots and ridding clothes everything is dangerous I have come of doing 80 k an hour it hurts I have fallen off 2 meter drops It hurts but I got up and kept riding crashes will happen but they aren't that bad
2016-01-23 5:55 am
A weary experienced motorcycle rider is about the same risk as a distracted cage driver talking on his cell phone. If you happen to be an experienced motorcycle rider you can easily spot your greatest risk... the same distracted cage driver on a cell phone. Make sure you and him never share the same space.

What really p*sses me off is 10 years ago or so the state I live in was going to lower the amount of alcohol to be classified as impaired driving until someone stated that was the same level of impairment as using a cell phone. So they dropped the legal effort. Since then I have had two cell phone drivers run into me....I have yet to have an alcohol impaired driver run into me!
2016-01-16 12:57 pm
I rode for 40 years with only one street accident that resulted in minor injuries. I stopped riding a few years ago because of all the deer in the roadways around my home. Last autumn, a rider in my area hit a deer, knocking both the guy and his girlfriend off the bike. The guy had scrapes and bruises, but his girlfriend went under the wheels of a passing truck.
2016-01-18 6:23 pm
Yes. You must be highly aware of your surroundings at all times. About 8 months ago, I saw someone get hit while riding their motorcycle through a Wal-Mart parking lot. He was traveling straight ahead when a driver suddenly made an unexpected left turn directly into his path. Just a split second after that, his bike was making contact with the hood of the car and he was launched through the air like a child's doll. I was never aware of the extent of the injuries. I should have stopped to see, but there were already enough people there/on their way to help.

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