Is it wrong to expect my wife to do all the cooking?

2016-01-16 1:55 am
My wife works and pretty much cleans, buy groceries, etc. We dont have kids. What kinda bothers me is that there are times when she dont cook because she is too tired from work. Is it wrong to expect her to do all the cooking.

回答 (84)

2016-01-16 9:20 pm
It's the 21 first century not the 19 hundreds! Of course it's wrong! It's because of people like you that sexism still exists and will continue to exist because there are just to many idiots out there. And you expects to sit on your *** all day when she does everything? Maybe, just maybe if you man up and realise your wife is not your butler or personal chef, she won't leave your sorry ***! It's not that hard to open up a cook book! This pisses me off so much! Oh and it bothers YOU?!?that she doesn't go out of her way to cook YOU dinner EVERY SINGLE DAY after she works, cooks, cleans! What about you try doing that, I bet you wouldn't last a day. And maybe it bothers her that that you expect her to cook all the time, ever think about that? It sounds like she's more of a man than you.

2016-01-17 2:10 pm
So you work and she works and you expect her to do everything? Quite the sexist ain't cha. If you both have a form of work such as a paying job or a stay at home wife who has kids then the split should be equal. Shared work in the house each shares a work load such as shopping, budgeting laundry and cooking and cleaning it doesn't fall on just the wife. This is NOT the 1940-50s where women have to do everything. Just because you grew up with mommy making all your dinners doesn't mean you have a right to treat your wife like she has to do it all for you. If you wanted a mother you should have stayed at home. Time to grow up and treat your wife fair. If she stayed at home all day with no kids then yes she would have no reason not to help but she has a job still counts as something. You are not more entitled then her to sit on your as-s.
2016-01-17 4:25 am
Um yes and you sound like a bit of a misogynist. You two are partners living together and you should be doing just as much around the house as her. Imagine if she was tired after a busy day at work and she came home to a nice cooked dinner you made. How would she feel? She'd really appreciate it and it would make you feel good. What about when your wife does the same thing to you after you've been at work? Wouldn't that make you happy? It can really improve your marriage when one person's not doing all the housework.
2016-01-18 5:47 am
Expecting anything is wrong you should decide together who does which chores. One lady I knew did all the lawn mowing in her 50 some year marriage. Her husband was forced to do it as a child and hated it and she enjoyed it is it wrong he learned to expect her to mow the lawn especially after his heart attack?
A couple should discuss who does what and be willing to change if it doesn't work for them any longer. Ask her what she thinks is fair division of chores. Maybe you could do meal planning and shopping then get dinner started if you get home first or her do that part is she is home first then the second one home relaxes for 10 minutes and takes over cooking and the first one does filling the dishwasher and the second one empty it so they are sharing duties without being in each other's way.
When I am at my boyfriend's house I cook for him unless it is lobster or a couple other things he does. Then he does all the dishes and cleans the kitchen. He never complains about what I cooked so I make whatever I find to cook like I made him noodles with peas and corn and he asked where I got the noodles, he didn't know they were in his pantry but he didn't complain it was not a hard to make meal to microwave noodles with frozen veggies.
2016-01-18 5:47 am
I will not pile on you as others have done,because I am unaware of your situation or ability to cook. If you have no skills in the kitchen and is not willing to learn the very basic skills of cooking you are a hindrance and wasteful

If you have no skills in the kitchen and will not want to learn them you would waste time and money. Time because you and your wife would be awaiting on food that would not be tasteful not edible.

If you have no cooking skills and would not want to learn them, a meal out or one that you bring home would be appreciated by your wife. It would take some of the stress off her.

Her frame of mind is what will I cook when I get home from work. She never would have the thought of perhaps my husband would prepare the meal tonight. This is not a thought that could enter her physic. You are no use to her in this area of the relationship.

You might even just say, hey show me how to do that and assist her in making he dinner.

Personally I find it a good feeling to cook and try my hand at different menus and different ways of cooking things. I now know my way around the kitchen quite well. I experiment with the different spices, in cooking
different meals.

You don't have to be a genius, however, you must have common sense. There are some recipes on the internet you might try. Your first meal might be steak and a baked potato. You basically fry the steak on the top of the stove and put the potato in the oven until it get soft. You may put the steak in the oven also. Keep in mind that you want the streak to be tender so don't cook it too long.

Now find yourself some tomatoes lettuce, cucumber and a few olives, Cut each of these ingredients in small bits and mix them together in a large bowl. Place this in the fridge while you are cooking the steak and potatoes.

Get a bottle of red wine that you think both of you would like and you would be the hero for the night,and just might be handsomely rewarded, if you get my drift.

You might try the same thing using chicken the next time out. You would want to remove the skin from the chicken. place the chicken in the oven for about 10-15 minutes or until done. You know how to make the salad. Stop by Walmart and purchase you a rice cooker. You can not make any mistakes using this appliance. Follow the instructions for cooking rice.

Get you a can of of condense soup (Celery or mushroom or any condense soup. Follow the instruction on the can. This will become your gravy for the rice.

Hey you are now the man. You would want to experiment off each recipe until you feel comfortable, and after awhile you would be able to cook up something in a jiffy and do it well.

Pretty soon the other women in your circle of friends will be looking at you in a different light. Women think men are sexy that is able to cook.

Don't worry about your male friends that would rib and tease you. Pretty soon these same guys will be seeking information about how you are able to make certain recipes and other questions about cooking.

I told you I would not beat you up with the attacks the others are making against you. I still won't, however, you need to cross over. It is fun on this side.

I hope this has been of some benefit to you,luck'

2016-01-19 8:10 pm
You have no problem there at all. Must ask her when she buys groceries to buy some tv dinners for you just in case she doesn't feel like cooking. To that tv dinner you can add some great dessert or call for a pizza or call for Chinese food or drop by the nearest Subway and still eat good. Sometimes you both need a break. That's life.

Men are expected to do the cooking on the grill in the summer. So sharpen your skills on that.
2016-01-19 8:10 am
Hats off sir, For your thoughts abt ur wife.

Well, work at home is another hectic stuff. those cleaning, cooking, washing, buying grocery etc is like overtime for women who works away from home. Its like. we men work, go home, spend time with family while resting. working women works, come home and works and rest.

Those days (as i read from books and saw in movies), Men goes to work, do hard tasks, earn money, come home and spend it for the family. the wife and kids , parents will be there at home and they spend good time.

World is still the same. Time is also the same. But we humans changed. We are not satisfied with what we earn. We always feel money isn't both husband and wife are forced to work at this time.

Now how can we expect the wife to do everything. It doesn't mean we should take everything and try to do things. i mean, we should love her in such a way that, we can help buying groceries, we can help in cooking etc... a small help will boost the wife . its kinda bonding too.

But i really appreciate your thought that if u r doing it right or wrong. a perfect gentleman. good luck. god bless :)
2016-01-18 2:12 am
Every couple has their own arrangement. It's not wrong for her to do all the cooking, or for you to do all the cooking, but I think part of being married is covering for each other under exceptional circumstances. If she is too tired to cook sometimes, then you should either cook something (have a supply of frozen dinners, if you don't have the skills yet), or drive out and get some takeout, or get something delivered. There's a lot of easy meals you can make like fried eggs and toast, even if its not breakfast time.
2016-01-17 11:50 pm
Yes, considering she works full time and does other things around the house. Why don't you cook some nights? Make something great that both of you enjoy, and have it ready when she comes home. Personally, I do all the cooking and grocery shopping at our place, and since I like to cook it really isn't a chore. If we go to a restaurant or get take out my wife usually pays - she considers it her turn to "cook.
2016-01-16 10:37 pm
Y E S she shares in the employment of the family you should share in the cooking. At least order out or bring in now and then. Your wife is not a slave to the home she has a job you need to share the house work if she works the same amount of hours you do. Stop being a jerk get off your duff and help with all the house work. Show some random acts of love

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