Do you think there is an afterlife?

2016-01-15 8:45 pm

回答 (72)

2016-01-16 4:23 am
I'd say there are so many facts that science has never been able to solve. Science and reality actually can't prove whether there is God or not. We don't even know what is the exact shape of the whole universe. How did we came into existence? So I think there's one supreme being and someday we have to go back to him.
2016-01-16 11:57 pm
there have been many stories about there being an afterlife. science still hasn't figured out how to prove those stories, but those who have experiences near-death experiences have often reported going through a tunnel and seeing a light and coming back with a sense that there is an afterlife. I believe in an afterlife because our bodies are made of chemical elements and composed of energy and according to the law of conservation of energy, energy cannot be created nor destroyed, so there is a chance our physical bodies get absorbed into the earth and our soul (there have been some scientific experiments saying the seat of the soul might be near the pituitary gland) which vibrates energy and controls bodily functions by its connection with nerve fibers. So if energy cannot be created nor destroyed there is a good chance that there is an afterlife.
2016-01-17 5:02 pm
Do you think there is a After-life ?

WHO started the IDEA ? Egyptians with Mummification oldest mummy is 4500 BC the book of the dead on the tombs funny how the bible doesn't mention it the Egyptian religion and beliefs and "early embalming " as in mummies and after life
they had no hell no place of torture ( hell) only the other world of NOT of oblivion the idea of KA a life force traveled on the body was the BA remained ones heart was weighed on a scale against a feather for your deeds and you were JUDGED ( they did not know what the brain was for they pulverized it and drained it from the skull ) they took great care to preserve the heart that what was judged If i remember correctly they also had the IDEA of MAN GODS the pharaohs was considered a Man god

But we have the Mummies Do you think other religions borrowed The IDEA ? Lets see Moses ( odd wasn't he the Hebrew who grew up in the house of Pharaoh and is supposedly lived 1550 to 1430 BC some 3000 years later
HUM If God made everyone why doesn't the bible have god talking to Pharaoh directly ? all it says is god purposely "HARDENED his heart " to MAKE him NOT let the Hebrews Go Now why would a god do that ? wasn't the goal to let the Hebrews go ?

The information I have it is a CONCEPT perpetuated by religion and borrowed by people to add to their religious beliefs it certainly did not ORIGINATE in Judea-Christian religion looks like they BORROWED the IDEA

so if the oldest Mummies are 4500 BC and its 2016 AD so 4500 + 2016 = 6515 years its older than some creationist claim the Earth is wow so the Egyptians invented the mummification process about the same time god created the earth they were some fast workers also odd those Egyptians didn't mention the Dinosaurs Either LOL
2016-11-10 10:22 am
There Is An Afterlife
2016-01-17 2:10 pm
No I don' doesn't make sense. It is an idea propagated to stop people worry about death.

I have done my research.

Mo University Lecturer Atheist with degrees in Theology, Comparitive Religious Studies and Philosophy of Religion
2016-01-17 9:30 am
I think that there is someth'in after death but I don't know what. I'm not sure that there are a hell and a paradise or even a god but I know that life can't completely ending. It's a wonderful gifted so why it will finish ?
2016-01-17 7:31 am
No there's not a afterlife.
2016-01-17 6:46 am
Yes and there is now growing evidence of it's existence. However, I should like to say that when we die, our brains remain active for a long time, which means thought processes are happening. Which proves nothing one way or the other, but just thought I should point that out.

The other strange thing - we do not know where the Human Mind resides. Yes I know, we all think it's somewhere inside our brain but thats because we see the world from that same level, it does not mean the Human Mind is in the same place, the brain.

What of out of body experiences? This shows at least that we are capable of actually leaving our physical bodies and yet still somehow being conscious.

I have come to the conclusion that the Human Mind is as the Human Soul. And, think of it, you know what that means, don't you? Be careful what you wish for.

In other words, be like Pilgrim John Bunyan and stay on the Straight and Narrow road towards the Celestial City shining up ahead.

You be the judge.
2016-01-17 1:58 am
I personally believe so, so many stories heard about that, also, it's by far easier to believe than people going into heaven, which I think is so untrue, so you know, afterlife is a more realistic theory, especially if you think of it, people would keep reproducing and then the heavens would be so over-crowded!
2016-01-16 3:00 pm
Yes, there is an afterlife and a prelife, life is eternal, just read the scriptures, for a complete understanding, go to, it makes so much sense.

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