Yes and there is now growing evidence of it's existence. However, I should like to say that when we die, our brains remain active for a long time, which means thought processes are happening. Which proves nothing one way or the other, but just thought I should point that out.
The other strange thing - we do not know where the Human Mind resides. Yes I know, we all think it's somewhere inside our brain but thats because we see the world from that same level, it does not mean the Human Mind is in the same place, the brain.
What of out of body experiences? This shows at least that we are capable of actually leaving our physical bodies and yet still somehow being conscious.
I have come to the conclusion that the Human Mind is as the Human Soul. And, think of it, you know what that means, don't you? Be careful what you wish for.
In other words, be like Pilgrim John Bunyan and stay on the Straight and Narrow road towards the Celestial City shining up ahead.
You be the judge.