I have really thin hair, will a man want me?

2016-01-15 6:01 pm
Hello, i've always had really thin hair and i've been told that men don't want to be with girls who have really thin hair. This makes me depressed

回答 (7)

2016-01-15 7:37 pm
The best advice I can give is, what would you tell your daughter if she came to you with the same problem? The second best I can give you is my own, long-winded opinion...

Any guy who doesn't want you because of your thin hair is doing you a gigantic favor. Would you want to be with the type of guy who is superficial like that? There's someone for everyone.. Some guys only date 100lb girls, some guys only date girls over 300lbs. Some are into loud girls, some are into quiet ones. And plenty won't care if your hair is thick, thin, long, short, pink or you're bald. One of the biggest factors in being attractive is confidence. Seriously. It doesn't matter what you look like, if you're smiling and feel good about yourself, you're way more attractive than if you're insecure.

If YOU aren't comfortable with your hair, try some new hairstyles or a new color.. See a stylist who can help you find a look that YOU love. There's also products at the beauty supply store to help grow thicker hair or maybe even talk to your doctor. But don;t do any of that for anyone other than YOURSELF, Don't ever change yourself to make anyone else happy..
2017-02-27 5:58 pm
Usually, which too long for me. I consider it depends on the guy and his face though. Certain guys may pull off long hair and other folks can't.
2017-01-28 4:46 pm
參考: Hair Loss Medications http://enle.info/HowToStopHairLoss/?vsQc
2017-01-21 1:55 pm
sure men such as long hair, it has all techniques be the symbol of the perfect woman
2016-02-18 3:40 pm
I would love to have a 20 year old woman with thin hair like yours. Xoxoxoxo.
2016-01-15 6:34 pm
I have never heard of such a thing... use volumizer and seek advice from your stylist. The last thing any guy is thinking about is the hair on your head... trust me!
2016-01-15 6:03 pm
Don't listen what other people tell,you just be yourself, I'm pretty sure there's a guy out there who's waiting for you. So just have confidence and if a guy doesn't like you it's his loss there's no reason for you to feel about one guy not liking you.

I wish you all the luck in the world madam
Thank you for your time

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