Have you ever eaten rabbit meat? when?

2016-01-15 5:32 pm

回答 (37)

2016-01-17 2:20 am
Yes! Last Easter. I made an amazing roman pasta dish called sugo de leprechaun that I got from the novel food of love. It was fabulous. Set me back a bit when I unwrapped the rabbit as it was about the same size and shape as my chihuahua but I got past that. Next time I'll have the butcher cut it up for me.
2016-01-15 5:35 pm
Yes i've eaten rabbit meat while out in the mountains for 3 weeks along with fish which we caught by hand from the river....
2016-01-19 10:33 pm
Yes. In 1960 on a Tuesday at 6:23 p..m.
2016-01-18 5:07 pm
mother-in-law cooked it on old wood stove. wild rabbit so first she cut up and put in pot with celery and some onion. cooked that slowly. then she took cast iron pan with some butter, put flour on rabbit pieces and slowly fried the partially cooked meat. then she removed rabbit and made a white gravy with milk and flour added. poured gravy over the meat and mashed potatoes. yum
2016-01-18 10:11 am
Yes, when I was 16 about 25 years ago my mum cooked a rabbit stew & passed it off as chicken casserole! Thought it tasted slightly different & the meat was brown, she owned up in the end after we'd all eaten it!
2016-01-17 8:09 pm
Many years ago I was employed as second chef in an edwardian country house hotel in the lake district of England, one day the head chef shot a rabbit in the hotel grounds and I made a chicken pie out of it for the staff.
2016-01-17 9:45 am
Yes. One of the first times I went to my sister's new house in Connecticut, we went food shopping at the supermarket, I saw a frozen rabbit for the first time ever and decided to buy it. I didn't cook it until days later when I returned to New York. I baked it, I was only 18 at the time, and before 18 I had never cooked before but I had just started learning a few months prior, so the rabbit came out kinda good, but I know if I were a better cook it would've come out much better. I really wish I could eat some rabbit now, but I have looked high and low in many different supermarkets in NYC but no place I've been to has it, and I don't have a car to go to Connecticut to get it myself, and who drives to another state for food, anyway? Well anyway, whenever my sister invites me over to her house (she picks me up and drives me), I make it a mission to go the supermarket there and grab me a rabbit and a duck for when I leave.
2016-01-15 5:40 pm
Yes, in Ibiza at a traditional restaurant some years ago. It was grilled over a blazing log fire and served with a huge potato (split into halves before grilling) and grilled peppers.
2016-01-15 5:39 pm
Yes, rabbit stew as in Delia Smith's book.
2016-01-15 5:35 pm
My grandma always had lots of chicken legs set on the dinner table,
I was about 10 before I found out it wasn't chicken.

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