Endless computer repair pop up ads?

2016-01-15 11:26 am

回答 (2)

2016-01-15 6:20 pm
Looks more like adware has got into your puter, run the two programs below, they will get rid of it.

This program gets rid of most adware and browser hijackers.


This program gets rid of most of the junkware. If you use this program, be careful if you have a toolbar that you want to keep.


If that does not work or you want to double check everything and make sure nothing else got in, run Malwarebytes in safe mode.


This link explains how to get into safe mode for Windows 7,8 & 10

參考: TWB 35+ years of experience in the service industry. You name it, I have probably fixed it. I did not design it, I did not build it, I did not break it, but I am the one who can fix it. What that means is that I have spent a life time taking these things apart and seeing how they are made. The difficult we do right away, the impossible just takes a little longer. I hear voices, so please be quite so I can listen to them.
2016-01-15 11:26 am

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