cough! That won't go away!?

2016-01-15 10:43 am
I've had a cough since start of September it wont go away!. It's starting to get me down now!. Sometimes it goes and isn't as bad. but then comes back and i have it most of the night?. I've been to the doctors 3 times about it. I've had astma test all clear, x ray all clear. He's now put it down to my hayfever?. I constantly have a cold and sneeze all the time. it feels like something is annoying my throat!. I'm 26 i've never smoked!. i had the same problem last year but as soon as i went on holiday and weather was hot the cough went!. I was worried i had lung cancer i havent lost weight and i'm not tired or coughing blood. does anyone know what i could do or take to get rid of it! I've tried nasal sprays they only help a little!

回答 (3)

2016-01-15 11:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do you have any other pains or discomforts in your chest area? It's hard to tell what you might have by your description, but it seems your lungs are just irritated by the dryness of the cool air (I'm not sure if it's cold where you live, I'm just assuming). The dryness makes you susceptible to airborne infections, which may explain your frequent colds. This dryness also explains why heat or humid weather helps you, as there is more moisture in the air. You should invest in a humidifier for when you go to sleep, or whenever your cough acts up.
2017-01-27 10:46 am
參考: Surprising Method for Hearthburn
2016-01-15 11:07 am

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