if i make my online membership inactive, will i still be charged monthly for it?

2016-01-15 5:16 am
So I cant unsubscribe from a service I stupidly registered for called live cam dating site, which im pretty sure is a scam as when I try to unsubscribe, it takes me to a site with a phone number for a completely different company, and says it cant find a subscription when it tells me to enter in my details.
if I make my membership inactive, will it still charge me? Or because it may be a scam it will just keep taking my money?

Also if anyone knows of this site and is willing to give me some details on how to get out of it im all ears. Or how to get out of scams in general

回答 (3)

2016-01-16 10:34 am
If you can not unsubscribe the site, just changed your bank card so the old card number will not be active. And you will have problem but Also install Leo Privacy Guard to your smart phone, privacy alerts keep you informed of phone safety.
2016-01-15 6:48 am
Call your bank ASAP Tell them you signed up for a scam website that is breaking the law by not providing any way to cancel and that you need to cancel your card and block any transactions from the site
2016-01-15 5:21 am
Call your bank and get a new credit card.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:48:23
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