Could i have Diabetes?

2016-01-15 5:03 am
So I've been sick for 8 days straight. I went to school and got dixxy, blacked out and ran into a wall so they sent me home. At first I thought it was my blood pressure so I had the nurses check but they said it was fine. But now I think it could be diabetes.... I have family history with diabetes and I looked up symptoms of diabetes and I have most of them. Could I have diabetes?

回答 (5)

2016-03-21 4:11 pm
2016-01-15 10:10 pm
Today I feel weird I felt confuse my eyes got blurry and real shak
It doesn't sound like diabetes at all. It sounds like you didn't eat enough.

What I can't believe is that you blacked out at school and you haven't seen a doctor? What's up with that?
2016-01-15 4:27 pm
COULD be,. but probabl;y not.

The most COMMON casue would be HPOGLYCEMIA.

Get to a doctrro and have your blood suagr tested
2016-01-15 5:10 am
If you have family members with it ... use their tester. But what you described does sound like a low.

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