are my lips too big for lipstick. should i stick with just gloss. i need opinions. thank you!?

2016-01-15 2:28 am
my friend said my lips are shaped weird and i shouldnt wear lipstick because it makes them get even bigger

回答 (54)

2016-01-16 1:57 pm
You're fine! Wear what you like, but if you want to try something on the subtle side, find a matte or satin MLBB (my lips but better) shade that works with your natural coloring and just enhances it. Gloss, since it's typically shiny and reflective, actually can make things look larger or draw attention to them.
2016-01-18 6:29 am
Trust me,I know it's sometimes uncomfortable to have big lips,I have big lips too,but they are beautiful with lipstick so I say keep it up😊
2016-01-17 11:48 pm
Lips are so pretty anybody would die for those lips don't care about what anyone says about u! There probably just jelouse or something stupid like that, You should use lip gloss every one in a while to get those lips to not be dryed out .
2016-01-15 12:01 pm
You can wear whatever you want :) Your friend may be jelous. I don't think you're lips are 'too big'. I have biggish lips but thet aren't full so I still have to fill out my lips with liner. My sister used to make fun of me but as I got older I stopped caring.
2016-01-18 7:42 pm
Wow lucky you! Here's what's going on. Your friend is jealous of your super kissable lips. Guys don't want lips that look like the ones Kylie Jenner had a couple of years ago! So no. Don't listen to her. You have the lips to rock the lipstick so it would be a shame if you didn't! Work it girl! :) (but tbh red would look prettier on ya!) -don't mean that in a mean way
2016-01-18 4:21 pm
Your lips definitely are not shaped weirdly your lips are perfect haha. Girls would die for your lips. If you personally want to make your lips look smaller I would try maybe a lighter shade of gloss rather than a dark lipstick. But your lips look perfect to me!
2016-01-17 5:57 pm
Lips are so pretty anybody would die for those lips don't care about what anyone says about u! There probably just jelouse or something stupid like that, You should use lip gloss every one in a while to get those lips to not be dryed out 😉
2016-01-17 8:29 am
You have nice lips. Typically with full lips plain gloss looks good on it, that lipstick you have on does not look good.
2016-01-17 5:43 am
Wear what you want and dont give two craps about what anyone thinks of y0u. Your lips are beautiful, people are getting needles stabbed in their lips to achieve those you got there. That lipstick is gorgeous too.
2016-01-16 7:31 am
Your lips are perfect! Soooo many girls are going in to get their lips done just look into the YouTube beauty industry almost all of them get their lips don't to have them more full and plump so basically you were blessed :) lipstick looks great on you

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