Sick of cocky quick tempered people, and their followers who follow them like a cult and ride their *****. Any advice how to humiliate one?

2016-01-15 1:20 am

回答 (11)

2016-01-15 2:08 am
Wouldn't that make YOU a cocky, quick tempered, person?
2016-01-15 1:28 am
Wanting to humiliate them hardly makes you mature. Learn to ignore them.
2016-01-15 2:19 am
Sounds like you are just like them, only less successful.
2016-01-15 2:15 am
Grow up and ignore them. Humiliating them is stooping to their level and makes you just as bad as they are.
2016-01-15 8:08 am
The only way you can know what they're up to is by following them yourself. Why devote your time and energy to people who are annoying you?
2016-01-15 5:58 am
Guessing you aren't a fan of Donald Trump. It's hard to humilate people like that because they have no doubts that they are correct. And any attempt to convince them otherwise is futile.
2016-01-15 11:24 pm
Tie a rubber ring around their penis and gather the towns folk to laugh at their stupidity
參考: Story of my life/EXPERIENCE
2016-01-16 6:00 am
Stab them?
2016-01-15 4:42 pm
Agree with what they are saying while shaking your head. In other words be patronizing.
2016-01-15 1:21 am
Talk to them
2016-01-15 5:46 am
How to humiliate:
1. Be even with them, by acting the same way
2. They'll see how they act
3. I dunno, this could work. There's a 50/50 chance

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