Why don't they allow women to be Navy SEALs?

2016-01-15 1:11 am

回答 (10)

2016-01-15 1:15 am
Did you miss the news a couple of weeks ago when the SECDEF opened every job in the DOD to women?
2016-01-15 1:24 am
They opened it to them last month
2016-01-15 2:58 am
Do you actually think a woman could pass the physical requirements to be a SEAL?
參考: 100% Disabled Vietnam Veteran - Navy Airborne Electronic Warfare Officer
2016-01-15 1:30 am
women might break a nail and then start crying
2016-01-15 1:22 am
i don't know. There are women in the Avengers. Looks like those women could easily qualify.
2016-01-15 2:01 am
It would be interesting, since they work in teams and use teams in BUDS wonder how the women will hold up her share of lifting those telephone poles over her head? No one will want a women on their team because they will have to pick up the slack and BUDS is hard enough.
2016-01-15 1:43 am
they are now allowed to screen for BUD/s. it remains to be see whether anyone can actually successfully com0lete the pipeline
2016-01-15 1:41 am
If you do not know about something, please do not act like you do. The pentagon has decided to let women try out for all male only public known military groups. Is it a bad idea? In my opinion, yes. Look up facts and statistics about female vs male physiology, and more important, psychology, to understand my standpoint. I believe it to be politically motivated bullshit that will cost lives.
2016-01-15 1:21 am
I believe one should pass the course first. I think one woman had in 2015 .
2016-01-15 1:13 am
woman aren't open to much active duty jobs that's why, plus the navy is ran by the CIA why have a woman in the navy when every guy in there is already benching 300 pounds plus?

but there is jobs open for woman in the navy like pilot ect, which is an active duty sometimes

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:19:36
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