Did I deserved to be shouted at by my mum?

2016-01-14 6:35 pm
On Facebook about an hour ago, I posted something in Facebook for the late Alan Rickman (RIP). At the end of the post it, it says "Cancer sucks! F**k you cancer!"

A few minutes ago, my mum shouted at me because I used the word "f**k". She then said she will punish me if I don't take it down from Facebook.

Did I deserve to be shouted at? Do I deserve to be punished if I don't take the Facebook post down?

回答 (320)

2016-01-15 11:29 pm
Well, she should not have shouted because 2 wrongs will never make a right.

Some parents don't like the use of those kinds of words, especially many of the older ones, and especially when they were not raised in a home of hearing those kinds of words.

Many parents believe too that whatever their children post is a reflection of them and they want their children to potray a good character at all times, regardless of where they are...and there is nothing wrong or off with that theory.

To make peace reign, I think you should go to her and tell her you are sorry and you won't use those words ever again especially on social media and that you will try to delete it from your vocabulary and that you will try to remove it.

Tell her very politely that you felt very hurt when she shouted at you, and that you did not mean to hurt her by what you did.

I understand how you feel about the cancer, however, you'll need to try and be calm and try not to take things too personally in the future.

Hope this helps!
2016-01-16 8:16 am
Well; depends. Did she ask you nicely and politely first and you pouted then argued, then yes, you deserve to be shouted at. Then again, if she just blew up and shouted, without any adequate dialogue, you have got to understand what she is about. She is your Mother, you only have one and it was such a little command that I don't understand why you just didn't delete it ... and add it back later when she was not looking. Facebook friends come and go but your Mother is there for you all her time, so be nice to her and take a little flack now and then.
2016-01-14 10:36 pm
How age may be a factor in all of this. From your perspective, you may feel slightly taken aback by her reaction of an expression of somewhat honorable frustration at the death of a great person. You wrote it with good intentions. From her perspective, she's probably anxious that it might become a habit, after all, swearing is verbal weaponry (depending on intent). I don't think shouting is a skillful way to handle talking to you, and calm reasoning is a much better alternative. But to alleviate her parenting worry, you could take it down. Up to you though! You feel how you feel!
2016-01-17 7:58 am
Listen love. Some parents have decent standards and some really do not. It will never feel good being shouted at but please think of this. She doesn't want you the daughter she loves to be swearing because in all honesty it's vulgar, rough and aggressive. Let others do that. Please just respect that I think there are far more serious things. Her job is to love care for and raise a lovely daughter the best way she knows how and she doesn't want you to be like that. Cancer is a horrible thing but unfortunately it's in most cases brought on by unhealthy lifestyles and that's also an important thing to learn.
2016-01-16 6:58 pm
Your mum shouldn't shout. Is this just a once every blue moon thing? She didn't call you names right?
I use FB for business, so I never swear on FB. It can really come back to haunt you. Anything you post on the internet (unless it's anonymous) should be respectable. That goes for photos also. Never post naked or scantily dresses photos. It's not just in bad taste but someone in your future can blackmail you with it.
But if your mum starts yelling more often, please tell a trusted adult. Yelling is a sign of a real problem. Either stress or mental illness that should be treated as soon as possible otherwise it damages the family.
2016-01-16 11:09 pm
Hmm . . that's a hairy dilemma. As Lisa M mentioned, how often your mum shouts at you should be considered but swearing and edgy/racy statements or photos are never things to post at the drop of a hat, especially if you've got a public profile
Yelling, on her part, was not the most composed response to this but it sounds like cussing is definitely frowned upon in your house and you should have known better. I would take it down if you haven't already, when there's so many other things to say in place of 'f**k,' though at the same time you should clear things up with your mum about what's appropriate and what's not. If the way she came down on you was unreasonable to you it'd be wise to talk honestly about that, as well
Hope this helped :)
2016-01-17 5:42 pm
Heyy dude same here,

I know it's hard to have a parents yelling for saying a little speech, I mean c'mon people swear all the time public and stuff I think you're mom is overreacting and putting too hard on that good old fashioned mom knows best retro kick theory where all child must be polite and never swear but swearing is not the problem, getting upset on such thing is, but I don't wanna make ur mom down a bit, I can also see your moms idea maybe it can be offensive to your mom cus you post it fb where all your relatives are friended and they would probably blame your mom for not raising you properly, you know the relatives who talk shits bout ur family behind, the best solution is to reign the peace, say sorry to ur mom for unbehaving and tell her it was kind of hurtful when she shouted at you, and for the next time try make a new FB account where your family doesn't know except from your friends where you can swear, hangout, and do all the teen stuff, I know what it likes to feel bruh, I totally gets your point and ur moms, and make sure to block your mom, with new fb :)) Enjoy!

My experience as a teenager.
2016-01-17 2:36 am
I cannot say you deserve being yelled at
But she could have addressed the problem in a different way

Dont be sad, if you feel defensive and sad it means you are too sensitive
In the End she is your mom
Whether you like her or not she likes you no matter what even if she denys it

Its better to appoligise first, saying sorry when you are wrong is strength not weakness

Because yourself will prevent you and you self pride

I once when I was 15 used this word in text and my dad told me its not nice to use this word and there are tons of other words I could use

I know how it feels

But just remove it and use another word and upload it again problem solved

Advice: act like nothing happened people will see that you are mature and in control of your feelings
2016-01-19 5:25 am
Maybe yes. You did not post your age, but she might very well be shocked that you used the For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge acronym. She thought she raised you better. Also if your only way to express yourself is to use the F Bomb, you need to develop your vocabulary and expand your education a bit.

If shouting was all she did, well that seems within the realm of a concerned parent. Forget all that touchey feely B.S. she was just showing she loves you and is concerned.

Do yourself a favor, and take the part she objected to down.
The advise part comes now. Something my father passed on to me, and it still took me a few years to figure the wisdom out when I got married.

Decide if you want to be right. OR if you want to be happy.

Understand that in the grand scheme of things, this event does not really matter. Is it really that important?

most likely though you will not take this advice, my guess you are such as most children, think that something like this really matters
2016-01-16 10:22 pm
Adults don't acknowledge it but on some level they just love exercising authority just for the sake of it.

I'm an adult now and my parents wouldn't bat an eye at it if I said something like "f cancer", and as of now I still live with them. They might even agree. But if I was your age they may have reacted that way.

In spite of acknowledging that kids are less mature than adults they hold kids to stricter standards than they do other adults, even adults living under the same roof who they could arguably impose over based on the fact that they pay the bills. Other examples are if their friends say the same thing they will agree or will say nothing. If they were going to be consistent they would tell them not to say those things while they are hanging out, but if they tell them to avoid saying those things it will only be to not say those things around their kids or possibly in the workplace or university classroom (and sometimes they will even accept that). Another worse example is that many of them will shout at their kids and punish them for swearing even while they swear and not just in moments of impulse but freely and without regreting it afterwards.

Your mom will never admit to this, not even to herself. It's the nature of power I'm afraid. The best bet is to just play the game, apologize and find some substitute comment you think she wouldn't be mad at and repost it without the f word. Don't bring up my argument, it will do you no good and she will just get madder.

Always remember she still loves you. She's just being human. Then again I don't know your individual situation, maybe she is consistent and tells other adults off for the same behavior, but I doubt it.

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