Are people that burn the American flag in America, F'ing stupid or what?

2016-01-14 7:36 am
I know there are idiots in this country, that step on the American flag or burn it or take a dump on it. I've seen pictures and videos of these. Ok, if you hate America so much? Why are you in America that gives you the right to be stupid. Why not move to some country like North Korea or Iran or Afghanistan? Oh yeah those countries have no welfare entitlement benefits.

回答 (6)

2016-01-14 7:41 am
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Yes, a lot of Anti-American idiots walking around burning American flags. They're wasting oxygen on this planet and should move to North Korea, they'd be happy to keep them. Sure they have the right to be stupid, but they don't have any rights to be on welfare.
2016-01-14 7:38 am
Burning is the only proper way to dispose of an American Flag
2016-01-14 7:42 am
You get f*cked up pretty quickly if you burn the national flag in Nth Korea. Telling flag burners to go there makes no sense.

Let's enjoy out flag burning freedoms without government interference. Thank you very much
2016-01-14 7:40 am
I'd burn the flag in the USA just for shits and giggles. Mainly because people get so religiously angry over something like a piece of coloured material. Muh Patriotism!
2016-01-14 7:38 am
"buddy, my daddy died for that flag.”
“Really? Cause… I bought mine. Yeah, they sell them at K Mart.”
“He died in the Korean War.”
“Wow, what a coincidence, mine was made in Korea.”
No one and I repeat no one, has ever died for a flag. They may have died for freedom, but that is also the right to burn flags if you want to.

2016-01-14 7:39 am
Basically yes they are, most of those who say they hate America say it with a mouth full of Food that they got from others hard work.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:38:44
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