So the lottery powerball winner of 1.5 billion is a 18 year old?

2016-01-14 6:05 am
What oh well maybe next time

回答 (26)

2016-01-20 12:38 am
If 1.5 Billion is split equally between 3 winners they each receive .5 Billion or $500 Million
Obviously some sheeple can't count
2016-01-17 11:38 pm
No 18 year old won that 1.5B prize
2016-01-14 6:18 am
I feel sorry for anyone who claims to be a winner without planning for their anonymity. Probably would be dead before the end of the year.
2016-01-14 3:33 pm
There were three winners, actually. The jackpot will be split accordingly. Cash value, you'll get maybe 280 million, less 40-50% in taxes, depending on where you live. But still, $140 million for an 18 year old... hell of a lot of money.
2016-01-19 11:16 pm
The jackpot was split amongst 3 winning tickets. Therefore an 18 year old winning $1.5 billion is false.
2016-01-18 7:12 am
2016-01-15 9:20 pm
2016-01-15 3:51 pm
2016-01-15 2:56 pm
it was split among multiple people he might notve gotten the 1.5 billion, its likely he got 50k
2016-01-15 5:01 am

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