Do you play mind games with people on purpose?

2016-01-14 1:10 am

回答 (14)

2016-01-14 1:19 am
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oh yes...yanking some peoples chain..well sometimes they get so full of themselves..from the outside looking in 3rd parties can get the wrong idea, even so much as to even have their feelings hurt...which is never my intent but it has happened...i hope one person reading this can tell the difference between the two..because i so do not want to hurt her feelings...can you dig that..does it make sense?
2016-01-14 1:22 am
No, I never play games. Life is to short for such nonsense.
2016-01-14 1:11 am
I find mind games too negative/boring, and a waste of energy, so no. But I can play board games with them or something even riskier, if they don't mind.
2016-01-14 1:17 am
No, it's totally accidental.
2016-01-14 1:21 am
No, it does not sound like fun, it does not sound nice, and I do not think that I would be too good at it any way.
2016-01-14 1:18 am
2016-01-14 1:13 am
I'm not that clever
2016-01-14 1:11 am
if you count toilet paper fiascos
2016-01-14 1:11 am
Well, it depends. Sometimes, perhaps.
2016-01-14 1:10 am's just me.
2016-01-14 2:14 am
no way,

im into the real thing w/ minds
2016-01-14 1:44 am
of course not, i'm not a lowlife.

If you choose best answer, leave comments!
2016-01-14 1:37 am
Guilty as charged.

...on occasion.
2016-01-14 1:29 am is not a good idea because it will come back to you tenfold.

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