Do you believe that there other planets with people living in them?

2016-01-13 1:14 pm

Thanks for the answers friends. But picture this: You enter a very dark room. With a small little torch, u can only see what it can focus on. With a bigger torch you can see many other things in the room that u will otherwise not see if you had only a small little torch. Equally, limited capabilities of existing telescopes should not make us exclude existence of other planets with intelligent beings.

回答 (19)

2016-01-13 1:22 pm
People? maybe...
But something for sure.
I can't see this little speck of an earth being the only thing that has life in the universe.
That seems impossible to me that the only life is right here.
Too much evidence indicates there is life elsewhere.
But people???
2016-01-13 1:23 pm
If you mean intelligent life then given the size of the universe then I believe it is possible but wait for the proof.
2016-01-13 1:16 pm
People exactly like us? I doubt it.

Alternate life forms, that have adapted to those planets' conditions and environment? Very much, yes! :)
2016-01-13 4:06 pm
I am open to the idea of other sentient life forms in the universe. I wouldn't say I'm definitively certain that they exist, but I have no reason to deny them either.
2016-01-13 1:41 pm
Of course there are other people on other planets! How do you think Scientologists got here?
2016-01-13 1:34 pm
I believe it's possible that there is life on other planets, but I don't know if they would be considered "people", nor do I have a grasp on how complex those life forms are. Given that the nearest star (besides our sun) is billions of miles away, it's very unlikely that they would be able to visit us or vice versa barring huge advances in interplanetary/interstellar travel.
2016-01-13 1:23 pm
Its an interesting thought, with so many stars and planets *billions of them its not possible to say what is out there
Anything that is alive would follow the evolution path of the planet they are on, so "people" might not apply.

But i dont think mankind is ready to start meeting neighbours if they exist, we cant even get on with other countries, it would not end well, we as humans need to work far harder on earth first before we end up getting ourselves obliterated or eaten.
2016-01-13 1:21 pm
It seems likely that there's at least one other planet in the vastness of the universe that can support life.

I wouldn't want to speculate on the degree of complexity exhibited by that life though. We know it took around a billion years or more just for life on our planet to even develop multicellularity.

In any case, it's extremely unlikely we'll ever visit, or be visited by, aliens.
2016-01-13 1:15 pm
I think it's possible, but I'm not wasting any time on the possibility because it doesn't affect me in any way whatsoever.
2016-01-13 2:03 pm
I do not believe there is sufficient evidence to formulate a qualified opinion on the matter. Excluding our own solar system, our current telescopes and imaging capability is of insufficient power and resolution to look directly at other planets for life. The distance between the earth and planets outside our solar system makes communication via radio-waves or any other transmission/reception method limited to the speed of light impractical.

It can therefore be asserted, at least for now, that there is no direct evidence upon which to base the claim there is life on other planets. Absent direct evidence the assertion requires a number of untestable assumptions. The existence of life on other planets, though possible, does not appear to be necessary so the assertion cannot be sustained using modal logic. Considering the evidence, and assumptions involved with either conclusion, if we apply the principle of Ockham's razor, the assertion of no life on other planets is most likely the correct assertion.
2016-01-14 11:53 am
I found it interesting that scientists started saying when they would find life, not if they would find life. But I don't think we will find others like ourselves or even close.
2016-01-14 11:40 am
May be there is life on some other revolving spheres in the universe at least numerically. Universe is very big place and most people can't even comprehend how big it is. So some planets or whatever must exist with life on them may not be people but life may be.
2016-01-13 5:15 pm
Yes, there are at least two scriptures that hint to that fact.
2016-01-13 4:25 pm
no there is no other live but on earth
2016-01-13 4:05 pm
Absolutely there are other plants with intelligent beings living on them. But they wouldn't be 'people' in the sense that they would be human, although they might be humanoid...
2016-01-13 3:35 pm
Yes, Christ already said he has other sheep which are not of this fold.
2016-01-13 2:10 pm
2016-01-13 1:33 pm
"In" them? Maybe. More likely "on."

It's entirely possible that there is other life in our own solar system. Lesser forms of life under miles of rock and ice on moons, but still life.
2016-01-13 1:32 pm
i don't know,no one on here knows, as far as i know.

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