How do u be less weird in a conversation?

2016-01-13 1:10 pm
Well am kind lonly at college because every one got there own friends , I have been on alone by myself for quiet a while so I losss sence making sence when talking to someone so my new year resolution is be talkative and open in my misery life but it has been a lot struggle to that because i make awkward convo with peaple so need suggestion thank really appreciate helping me thanks .

回答 (3)

2016-01-13 1:13 pm
If that's how you write and speak, IN COLLEGE, no wonder people think you're weird. Sober up, get your sh*t together, and shut up and listen when entering a conversation. People love to talk, about themselves, so listen. You have two ears and only one mouth.
2016-01-13 11:54 pm
Start by asking people questions., Everyone likes to give their opinion.

Also find big happy churches, attend youth groups and have fun there. Best way to meet nice people.
2016-01-13 1:19 pm
--->> Tips--->

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