Why do people do this?

2016-01-13 4:28 am
I work front counter at burgarking and I HATE IT and we have a properly working drive through but when I'm mopping the floors at night people have to walk in and order their food and have it to go **** I hate it at some point I just want to punch them in the face drive through is completely open but you have to get out of your car that is completely capable of going through drive through and you get out walk in the building get your food and walkout because drive through is there EMPTY explain that

回答 (9)

2016-01-13 5:54 am
You get paid by the hour. It can't take more than five minutes to undo the last minute traffic. You are so self-centered.
2016-01-14 11:18 pm
You should do one of two things: improve your attitude or quit.
2016-01-15 9:48 am
I have a nice car ,I don't want to take a chance I may get a ding in it trying to wheel around through the little curves with big signs sticking out on one side and the menus sticking out on the other , and then so they can reach me to give me my stuff I have to get dangerously close to the freaking building. I just love my car too much. Besides I have two legs , they are great legs great feet too,I like to use them every chance I get!!!! plus I am not as lazy as some. OH ya did I tell you i don't want to mess up my car in your cheesy drive through?
2016-01-14 8:36 am
don't know
2016-01-13 7:32 pm
Some people just don't like ordering through drive-thrus. Yelling into a speaker and then just having the food handed out to your car and you can't tell in the dark if everything you ordered is there. As long as the store is open, customers have every right to come inside to order.
2016-01-13 6:57 pm
1. Some people do not like the drive -thru
2. Some people may be traveling and need to use the restroom. They need to stretch their legs.
3. Maybe you mop the store when it's not busy. Example: after 9pm. When there are not a lot of people at that hour
4. People do not want to get out of there cars, Because it's really cold out.
5. Maybe you should look for a job that does not have to deal with the public...
6. Have terrible day----you pessimist person lol
2016-01-13 2:19 pm
Jeez, what is wrong with you? Get over it and serve the customer who pays your check.
2016-01-13 6:54 am
they probably dont have cars?
2016-01-13 6:17 am
Who cares...

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