Can I scare the homeowner's association directors into collecting some uncollected assessments?

2016-01-12 2:28 pm

回答 (8)

2016-01-12 6:42 pm
What do you intend to do? "Boo" them? Or are you contemplating some sort of threat? Some, may be all - I don 't know but, some HOAs have the option of filing a lien on a house and foreclosing or just filing a lien and waiting for the house to be sold. If the majority of the Directors have decided to file a lien and wait, then they have a right to make that choice. What you can do is vote in a different Board when the time comes.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & HOA knowledge & I live in an HOA.
2016-01-12 5:24 pm
Who are "you" in relation to the HOA? If you're a homeowner and (therefore) member of the HOA, you express your views to the HOA governing board. If you're not a homeowner, you have no standing in the matter.
2016-01-12 4:58 pm
Probably not.
2016-01-12 3:58 pm
The tactics you use would be determined by the strength of the association members. Some might fall for this tactic, however, in most cases members that are elected to these boards have more backbone than to be intimated by a scare tactic.

Normally only an insecure individual would use such a tactic and when it fail would be embarrassed when it fail. Mos successful individual that would have something they would want changed, would have proof and evidence this change would benefit the association and have some value.

If I was on the board, it would humor me that a person would attempt a scare tactic to get something

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2016-01-12 2:34 pm
No help with your idiotic intimidation plans here.
2016-01-13 10:44 pm
As a tenant in the property, you have no standing in the matter. Mind your own business; it's not your concern at all.
2016-01-12 5:44 pm
who are you to do anything with the board, are you one of them
2016-01-12 3:48 pm
Are you a member of the HOA? If not, join when a slot comes available.
meanwhile contact their legal representative to understand what they're doing on debts. Could be a different scenario than you're assuming.
2016-01-12 6:48 pm
yes...go boo

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