I am so afraid of getting cancer now that David Bowie died?

2016-01-12 8:09 am
The thing that worries me the most is that David Bowie was rich and yet with so much money,he couldn't beat cancer.Yet I am poor as hell and if I ever get cancer I would probably die.So please help!!!!!! :'(

回答 (43)

2016-01-13 3:19 am
Current theory says that every single person has MILLIONS of abnormal cells in their bodies at all times.

When a person's IMMUNE SYSTEM can no longer keep the abnormal cells in check, the cells proliferate and clump together, forming a mass, known as a tumor (cancer). SO keep your immune system healthy and you will not get cancer. There are types of cancer that ONLY people will severely compromised immune system get, like AIDS. Some things will cause your body to form MORE abnormal cells than average, and these are known as carcinogens. Getting SEVERE sunburns as a kid increases risk of melanoma for life. Living in a low income neighborhood located next to a factory leads to higher rates of cancer in your lifetime. Smoking cigarettes is another one. Eating tons of junk food and having very low level of fruits/vegetables decreases the body's ability to kill abnormal cells. Accidentally touching toxic chemicals in a lab. Eating too much burnt meat.

SOME cancer is genetic but environment almost always plays a role. My dad is a doctor that has known multiple pairs of identical twins where ONE twin got cancer and the other one didn't. One lady died of breast cancer at 80 and the other twin never got cancer lived til 95! Sure, genetics plays a role but what you eat, where you live (do you live in an area with clean air?), your level of stress all play a role in whether or not you will develop or even beat cancer. Being WORRIED and stressed about cancer lowers your immune system (temporarily) and ironically increases your risk of cancer. So take a deep breathe (from your abdomen) and know that YOU have some control over whether or not you develop cancer. Your diet, your exercise habits, sleep habits, drug habits, where you live, and how worried you are all determine whether or not you will get cancer in your lifetime. This is also true of COLDS, and other common viral or bacterial infections. The more stressed you are, the more likely you are to get a cold. SO much scientific research on this.

Btw, it is VERY normal to be worried about getting any disease after someone dies of that very disease. Just cause you learn that someone died, does that mean your will definitely get it? NO. Does that mean your risk increased after that person died? NO. It means that you are human and sometimes worry like everyone else. It's going to be okay. :)
2016-01-25 5:27 am
Agree that cancer is dangerous but it doesn't mean that it's not curable. If cancers detected in early stages, then it can be surely treated better, incurring less physical, mental and financial suffering. Getting afraid or doing worry is not solution at all. Instead of take preventive actions to reduce the cancer risk.

Two major components for early detection of cancer are :
1. Education and awareness to promote early diagnosis
2. Screening tests to detect them early

Read More: http://bit.ly/1VjDnBn
2016-01-16 6:24 pm
With advances in medicine there have been many success stories in people beating cancer. The best thing you can do is listen to your body, educate yourself on symptoms to watch out for, and go for your annual check ups. And most of all, eat healthy and exercise. Get plenty of sleep and find ways to de-stress. Stress causes inflammation in your body which is very harmful. Every cancer case is different. Just because one person died of cancer doesn't mean you will too if you got it.
2016-01-15 10:47 pm
2016-01-15 6:08 am
Unfortunately, no matter how rich you are, sometimes you just cannot beat cancer. His cancer was too advanced, and no amount of money for treatments can fix that. Talk to your doctor about your concerns, make sure you get routine check ups. Cancer is always less dangerous if you catch it early. Meanwhile, don't spend your time worrying about it!
2016-01-13 3:26 am
I suggest that you check out: "Cancer - Causes, Prevention and Treatment at http://cancer.mercola.com and adopt the cancer minimisation strategies at http://foodtothink.com/dr-mercola-top-12-cancer-prevention-strategies/

Also check out http://www.vitamindwiki.com/Cancer such as:

Molecular Link between Vitamin D and Cancer Prevention – Oct 2013, &

'Cancer Screening Has Never Saved Lives' (but Vitamin D supplementation does) - Jan 2016, &

Cancer and low vitamin D – which causes which – Nov 2013, &

More vegetables or fish, less Cancer – June 2014, &

Cancer Council of Australia recommends 30 minutes of daily sunshine – June 2014.

View my previous answer about vitamin D and natural health at https://au.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20151206210338AALSwb9&submit=y
2016-01-13 2:11 am
Money can't buy life. We only live once. So, instead of being afraid getting cancer, why not live your life like there's no tomorrow. But make sure you live right; eat, take care of your health, exercise and go to the doctor for check up.
2016-01-13 1:37 am
Is being afraid helping you or reducing the possibility of you getting cancer? It is not so learn not to be afraid. Now if you want to reduce your chances of getting cancer change your habits, the internet can show you what to do and what to not do.
2016-01-13 1:18 am
Never forget that prevention is always better than cure and there are many things that people can do and or avoid to limit your chances of becoming a statistic
2016-01-12 11:11 pm
Yet 80% of children and 60% of adults survive cancer following treatment.
1 in 3 women and 1 in 2 men will develop cancer, 80% will be over the age of 50 when diagnosed.

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