Do I have the right to be hurt?

2016-01-12 7:22 am
Jan 11 at 9:21 PM
I've been friends with this girl for two years. She is basically my best friend. Over time, I have developed feelings for this girl. One day, I gained the courage to tell her and the feeling was mutual. However, she said she needed to get over her ex who she just broke up with completely so we could be together. But here's where the hurt part comes in. She recently told me she slept with another ex. This was a huge kick to the gut. What angered me was how she acted like it wasn't a big deal as she said I wasn't her boyfriend even while she has gotten annoyed over me talking to a girl. I know we aren't together but do you is my reason for my anger valid. Please help.

回答 (2)

2016-01-12 7:57 am
stop fooling and attacking that poor girl
woman are not made out of wood like u treat them

SAY " SORRY I m rude"
2016-01-12 7:24 am
you feel how you feel --- its obvious she is not interested and she led you on ---- move on its not worth the aggravation to keep trying with her ---- this idea that its ok to cheat just because you are not "official" is baloney

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:15:14
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