He tried to find out the way in which his best friend, John, learned English well.按文法詞類解析?謝謝!?

2016-01-12 4:56 am

回答 (2)

2016-01-13 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是一個complex sentence
main clause: He tried to find out the way(受詞是不定詞片語to find out the way)
dependent clause: in which his best friend learned English well(它的先行詞為way,本附屬子句當作way的修飾語,為形容詞性質,屬限定性質)

John是his best friend的「同位語」,非限定性質。
2016-01-12 6:35 am
to find out-------inf.phr.,co-ord. to tried
in which-----which=rel.cl. when specifing the friend,John talking about, giving INFO about him;
learned---(has learned)----past participle
English well------going back to learned=learned well (adv);-----in which Eng.=O

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