Therapy Pet? Gym?

2016-01-12 4:35 am
So first, I lately have been dealing with anxiety, stress and depression. I set an appointment with a therapist to work on it.

Some of the things I have wanted to try to do to pull myself out of this depression is some tools Ive been told help, such as going to the gym and getting a pet. However I have lost my desire to go to the gym (zumba) however I used to love it. Also, I have thought about getting a pet (I recently left my parents house where my dogs are. My landlord has said I am not allowed to have pets -- despite the fact that I think it could help. Would it be wrong for me to get a pet therapy animal? I would only do it if a therapist thought it was good idea without me inquiring as otherwise I would feel incredibly guilty. Could my landlord still throw me out?

回答 (2)

2016-01-12 5:02 am
I see you ask a question two months ago about wanting to get a cat even though your landlord says no pets. If you want to try to work the therapy pet angle you would first need to get an official diagnosis of what you are suffering from and then have the therapist sign off that getting a therapy animal would help. Have them put that in writing and then set up a meeting with your landlord. Show them your official diagnosis and paperwork for the therapy animal and ask if they can make an exception. Your landlord may want to talk to your therapist also before making a final decision. You may be required to pay additional fees, such a pet deposit and pet rent if they agree to grant your exception.
2016-01-12 4:38 am
If you can't have a pet, just use a pillow as a pretend pet. Name the pillow. Walk the pillow in dog parks. Take the pillow out to lunch or dinner with you. Talk to it, especially in public. You will be fine.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:38:46
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