kleptomaniac sister or just a thieving B***H?

2016-01-11 9:35 pm
had enough I've been fuming for a while now my older sister (we are grown women) steals my things has done for years, even toothpaste and shower gel (nice expensive ones her money goes on keeping her unemployed scumbag butt groping partner, and drugs) she had a holiday souvenir of mine on her windowsill and her ugly necklaces on a jewellery tree I gave my daughter ( her godchild) as a birthday present, petty thievery is referred to as "stroking" in their house and as far as I know I'm the only sister she takes things off she's also always ready with snide sideswipes or plain face on insults and loves to gossip about me or exclude me from "the sisters" (so not a bad thing btw) I have often given her things in the past and that was probably my mistake I've become a free shop. She's tough and not very ladylike and I know there'll be so much hassle but stealing off her niece now too? so low. I was going to suggest some kind of mix up without mentioning stealing, maybe offer her a piece of jewellery to return her most recent haul and just leave it at that I need to be around my family for a while longer but who needs people like that? anyone got any magic tips for dealing with messed up cows like this?

回答 (2)

2016-01-11 11:05 pm
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I think you need to know the difference between a kleptomaniac, and someone who simply has a superior sense of entitlement. You said you think she only steals from you, and not the other sisters. That's the difference. A kleptomaniac, can't control her actions. Your sister feels entitled to what you have, so she takes it.

So, what to do?
Either call the police, and have her arrested for theft, or one of you has to move, or better yet, do both of those things. She takes this stuff from you because you allow it. You don't have the guts to go and take it back, and she knows it. So much time has passed without you doing anything about it, you are going to have to do something pretty drastic in order to drive your point home if you ever get up the nerve.

There's no magic. It's all just predictable human behaviour. Right now you two can predict each others behaviour with perfect accuracy. She takes from you, and you do nothing about it, except contemplate some mamby pamby solution like offer her some more of your property so she will give you back what she took from you. What you have to do is change the game. Play by some new rules. Maybe rip her eyes out or take a clump of her hair with your bare hands every time she touches anything that belongs to you.

I don't normally recommend violence as a solution, but I had a younger brother with a similar sense of entitlement. My solution?
He and I have been total strangers for more years than we were brothers. At this time I don't even know if he is alive or dead.
I am a much happier man now.
2016-01-11 9:41 pm
kick her out and shes probably stealing to get money for drugs, turn them in too

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