if you go to jail, can you have you re sperm frozen or something? Don t judge me, it s a non-violent crime?

2016-01-11 4:02 pm
I am facing a lot of jail time so i was wondering how the sperm donor system works. if you donate sperm, is it confidential or can you be involved?

回答 (3)

2016-01-11 4:29 pm
Yes but you need to do it before you actually go to jail.
2016-01-11 4:26 pm
No criminal can donate, certainly not one who is in prison! By the way in the uk a child can finds out who their sperm donar was when they are 18.
2016-01-11 4:17 pm
Donation is confidential. You never know if you have a kid from it or not.

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