I like a man a decade older. What should I do?

2016-01-11 4:49 am
I'm 23 and am smitten with a 36 year old (12.5 years difference). It's a new feeling for me because I'm used to liking guys my age, but I'm really attracted to this mature, hilarious, kind, and happy person. He is NOT married and doesn't have children.

- We can talk for long periods of time, and have a lot in common, especially music
- We laugh together and joke around
- He compliments me
- He watches out for me, asks me how I feel and sympathizes
- We follow each other on a blog, and he likes a lot of my posts and thanks me for liking his
- When something major happens in my life, he wants to hear about it
- He teases me
- He told me he told his mom about me (they're close but he doesn't live with her)
- When I told him I had a bad day, he said he wished he gave me a hug
- We both are big music fans, and share music with each other

Any thoughts? I have a gut feeling he likes me but again, it's hard to tell. Everything feels natural with him and I don't notice the age gap, but I tend to overthink. I feel we connect well and are on the same level emotionally, spiritually.

回答 (4)

2016-01-11 4:52 am
Well I'm sure age has nothing to do with a love relationship I've seen couples with a bigger difference (WAY BIGGER) so yeah
2016-01-11 5:05 am
You need to go back to basic math class. A decade = 10 yrs.
2016-01-11 5:04 am
you are both adults so age is meaningless only how you feel about each other ---- if he really liked you he would be asking you out ---- why not tell him how you feel
2016-01-11 5:00 am
I envy you guys. My advice would be to talk to him about how you feel when the moment arises. Maybe even just ask him how does he feel about you. Although, I like to caution people to always be prepared for disappointment. It makes it easier to accept their answer and move on.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:18:48
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