is a true Christian someone who loves and accepts everyone?

2016-01-11 2:30 am

回答 (9)

2016-01-11 2:32 am
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2016-01-11 2:32 am
Too simplistic.
2016-01-11 2:59 am
Frankly with over 30,000 sects of christian religions, Id like to know how anyone is supposed to tell what a true christian is. Could you give us a description of what that means? Can you give us a definition that all christians would agree on? I doubt that you can. There are two pages of answers and I don't see two that agree.
2016-01-11 2:33 am
Love, yes. "Accept", it depends upon what you mean. For instance if you mean "approve", a Christian could get into a lot of trouble doing that depending upon what he or she was approving (Rom 1:32).
2016-01-11 2:31 am
Yes, but there's more to it than that, of course danny.
2016-01-11 2:44 am
No. A true Christian is like Jesus. Jesus LOVES, BUT DOES NOT ACCEPT SINNERS, WHILE THEY REMAIN UNREPENTANT AND STILL ARE SINNERS. And Christians are the same.
2016-01-11 6:57 am
A true Christian would give people agape love, the same love that our God has shown us.

The love the world wants, and the love God has shown, are two very different things.
2016-01-11 2:36 am
That's the ideal Christian. However it's next to impossible for this to be true.
2016-01-11 2:34 am
A true Christian should strive to do that, but someone who strives to do that is not necessarily a Christian.
2016-01-11 2:33 am
Imo it's not realistic. Can you, for example, really love and accept a serial killer?

It might, imo, make more sense if a "true Christian," or anyone for that matter, treats other human beings with equal respect. At least until an individual proves they aren't deserving of it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:14:37
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