Why are there so many atheists on Yahoo?

2016-01-10 11:47 pm

Why does the category keep changing?


Someone changed the category to preschool.

回答 (17)

2016-01-11 12:22 am
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It only appears that way right now. Last night there was a ton of fundies and JW's and a bunch of atheists' factual answers to questions got multiple thumbs-downs. Today right now, it looks like there are more atheists, but in a few hours you'll be wondering where most of the atheists went.

Edit: also, some level 7 person who doesn't like your question keeps changing the category. Yahoo started this Level 7 privilege thing a while ago, it sucks.
2016-01-10 11:49 pm
1) Atheism is on the increase in many countries (the superior ones).

2) Social media and the internet allows them to point out what people have done in the name of christianity over hundreds of years. This includes doing some pretty heinous things to atheists. It is no longer (in most countries) a risk to openly be an atheist.

3) Atheists are making use of this technology to do just this.

Edit : the fact that you've hit a nerve means that some christard is moving this out of its proper category. This demonstrates that the truth in your question bothers them.

The category keeps changing because some moronic god-botherer finds it amusing to do so, and to stop people seeing the truth : that atheism is on the rise.
2016-01-10 11:47 pm
I don't speak for others, but I'm here for the pizza.
2016-01-11 12:09 am
Because most theists are too stupid to use the internet.
2016-01-11 12:03 am
It's a reflection of the greater availability of higher education around the world. The more education one has, the less likely one is to believe in nonsense wrapped up in superstition.
2016-01-11 12:22 am
Because religion is a favorite hobby of atheists, who happen to know most about religions according to the Pew Research Group's survey. It is not surprising to see many knowledgeable atheists on a religion and spirituality Q&A forum.
2016-01-10 11:59 pm
It may seem that way but there are many others here too.
2016-01-11 12:17 am
Because we came here to escape the church people on the street. We needed to get away and Yahoo seemed like a likely place.
2016-01-11 12:16 am
We just want to help you.
2016-01-10 11:59 pm
In order to attack my God and king.
2016-01-10 11:53 pm
R&S is an Atheist Religion site
2016-01-11 1:00 am
Religion has had their own way for thousands of years, spilling out their cra p. Thousand being sacificed to the gods o or just straight out slashed to death. The religious nutters still come knocking on our doors spinning a yarn about their fictional mythological gods. As the greatest physicist in the world Stephen a Hawking said religious people are just scared if the dark and their definitely is no God.and the great late Christopher Hitchens great words of wisdom , religion poisons everything. Some one has to at least try and break you away from the brainwashing culture, even though really their probably is not much hope. Religion is a delusional judgemental controlling cult.
2016-01-11 12:33 am
Too many humans in the Cats Section.
2016-01-11 12:33 am
Because Yahoo is a great place to get access to Christians.
2016-01-11 12:26 am
The self righteous Pharisees consider others as sinners and atheists. Read Luke 10:25-37.
2016-01-11 12:19 am
The starving are drawn to where they might be fed.
2016-01-10 11:57 pm
I think a lot of the "atheists" here are just trolls who have no conviction one way or the other, just as there are trolls who think they can upset the real atheists by posting absurd nonsense. You can see proof of this by the fact that trolls are sending this question to different categories rather than leaving it where it should be.

The real atheists that are here are probably using this as the only forum they can find to promote their ideas. In case you didn't know, atheism isn't a popular belief, so having an anonymous outlet is likely helpful to some people.

Others are just here to rebut those comments where atheism is characterized (as it often is by theists) as "a religion," "immoral," or "a path to hell." They know the truth and feel that they have to defend themselves.

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