Worst thing at McDonalds?

2016-01-10 7:19 pm

回答 (78)

2016-01-12 9:59 am
Fish sandwich
2016-01-11 12:40 pm
If it busy and there are lots of orders being done, the food can go cold pretty quickly. I been to one recently where it was chaos.
2016-01-11 11:50 am
Some greasy food
2016-01-13 9:06 am
Since everything at McDonald's gives me diarrhea. The answer is everything that McDonald's serves.
2016-01-11 3:21 pm
2016-08-14 5:03 pm
greasy food
2016-07-20 4:49 pm
greasy food
2016-07-17 12:31 pm
greasy food
2016-01-16 8:38 am
Triple Thick Shake
2016-01-13 6:46 pm
The idiots working @ the drive =thru. I went there the other day and ordered two Mcdoubles with extra ketchup, Mustard and pickles and no onions on both. They out on a dime size for the condiment if you do not order extra lol. I order fries with no salt. Which means they have to make a new batch every time. I get home the fries were still hot. No onion on the first sandwich. But they thought I wanted extra on the second one. I taken the sandwich back and told the mgr that i asked for no onions. She looks at the receipt and saw the lady put extra onions on the sandwich They made me a new one.. I live about 3 minutes and the sandwich was cold when I came back home. The 1 800 number is a joke and one half. I call there and complain about my current situation. A week later I get a letter in the real mail telling me that they are sorry about the inconvenience I had on so and so date. That the issue has been resolved. Thank you for doing business with you... BS. that what I think of that.
I know they have a lot of high school students working there. But come on get people's order's right...

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