do other countries have automatic cars?

2016-01-10 6:31 pm
my mum said that america is the only country with automatic cars, is that true?

回答 (42)

2016-01-10 7:44 pm
There are automatics all over the world but nowhere near the prevalence that they have in the US. And most europeans can drive a stick even if they now an auto.

I rented a car in Italy. Pretty much all they had to offer were manual, an auto was about $200 more for a week. As I was I got a slick decent sized car with a 6 speed manual, full electronics package and a diesel. If I could get a car like that in the states I d buy it in an instant.
2016-01-10 7:27 pm
I am in the UK in my immediate family we have two manual cars the other 7 are automatics.
We have had automatics here for a very long time. I was driving them in the 1970's.
It is the same across Europe.
We do have more manuals as in Europe it is a different test and license to drive a manual so most of us learn on a manual.
My wife only has an automatic license. She has no idea about clutches and gears.
As we have much higher gas prices and smaller engines until recently a manual.gave better gas mileage so they were preferred.
My wife's car in automatic gives the same gas mileage as the manual.
With hybrid cars on the rise the manual is an endangered species.
Your mother has obviously not been to Europe.
Here when you rent a car you need to specify automatic where as in the US getting a manual is almost impossible.
2016-01-12 8:59 am
Automatics are found in all countries. It's just that most Americans need an automatic as they can't work both feet at the same time. That's why they drive everywhere.
2016-01-10 6:35 pm
Not quite true. Other countries do have automatic cars but not the high percentage of automatics that the U.S. has. The reason for this is the extra expense of automatic transmissions.
2016-01-10 6:34 pm
Your mom's wrong in this case - automatic cars are sold all around the world, but they aren't necessarily as popular as they are in the US.

And here's a fun fact - some countries give you a license to drive either one transmission or another. That is, if you take your driver's test with a manual car, you will get a license to drive manual cars and can not drive automatics (and if you get your license with an automatic car, you can't drive manuals).
2016-01-13 4:18 pm
No, the International Automatic Transmittion Act (IATA) passed by Soviet Russia in 2013 only allows for the United States to have automatic transmittion vehicles. Many countries have appealed but none have been able to meet the political force that manifests itself in Mao Zedong.
2016-01-11 9:10 am
Hi No we have automatics in other countries japan also has a large population and automatics so they can export some to the united states.
2016-01-13 8:48 am
Automatic cars are everywhere but rather less common that in the US. Many people prefer manuals as they are more entertaining to drive, can be clutch-started and provide better engine braking. And they can be double-shuffled, which is always fun.
2016-01-11 10:30 am
That's not quite true. Actually, automatic cars are sold all around the world. Yet, the 95% of all cars sold in the U.S. have automatic drive.
2016-01-11 10:05 am
I have heard about Automatic cars being used in Japan and European countries. But yes! they are not as prevalent in these countries compared to US.

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