Is there a way to test if a friend is a true friend?

2016-01-10 2:47 pm

回答 (44)

2016-01-10 3:39 pm
I'll answer your question. True friends are those that help you and support you. True friends are there when millions are against you. By reading your comment I can tell you that those are your not your real friends because true friends don't make fun of you and they don't share your secrets either.

They're only using you in my opinion. If I were you I would find new friends. The moment you know someone is your true friend is when they're willing to help you in hardship. A true friend will stand by you when millions are against you and a true friend will always be there for you to support you. A true friend knows the tears behind your smile.

Good luck comment if you would like to chat.
2016-01-11 9:20 am
This is a test that I use quite often. When walking with that intended subject drop a couple of dollars out of your pocket, making sure that person see it and you pretending you didn't know you dropped it.Then see if the person tell you or pick it up and give it back to you. If they don't well you know the rest. Guess how many friends I got lol? I'd rather spend $2 dollars than to spend the rest of my life thinking I had a friend when they really wasn't from the start.
2016-01-13 4:54 am
Test is the wrong word. I can't think of any test you could do.

Actions speak louder than words. If a person talks about other people's lives then they will talk abou you also. I would be suspicious of them. Also if you are always paying for stuff or they are always hungry when they come to your place and want food, they are not true friends.

Good friends are very hard to find but don't shut yourself off from the human race as there are lovely people out there who you will meet in the future.
2016-01-10 5:07 pm
Well, YOU asking this question proves you are NOT a true friend.

It is WRONG to treat friends in this way, and set them up in experiements.

If you were capable of being a real friend, you'd look at their behavior in general, over time. People can't instantly know other people. It takes time, and lots of experience of them in lots of different situations.

The ONLY "test" that isn't treating a friend as an inhuman subject would be to test whether that person blabs secrets. What you COULD do is to tell that person something -- something you actually wouldn't really hate. being blabbed around -- and tell them to please not tell anyone else.

Then, if it gets around, you know you can't confide in that person.

This is ONLY necessary if you don't already have evidence of whether or not they blab people's secrets. usually, a person knows without conducting this test.

How would YOU feel if this person put YOU through a series of TESTS of your friendship?
2016-01-10 2:55 pm
Usually you can see who your true friends are by how they act when you're going through a bad time
2016-01-10 7:14 pm
If she/he is there at your darkest hour then that's a true friend. If they're not then you have your answer. Because a friendship that can end was never a friendship to begin with.
2016-01-10 4:36 pm
There's on definition of a true friend: and it's found in the Bible. "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." (John 15:13) Jesus died for us, so he is the definition of a good friend. Find a friend who is willing to stick up for you, and maybe even take extroidanry tasks for you
參考: John 15:13
2016-01-10 2:48 pm
If you feel the need to test the loyalty of your friends, it's possible you're the one who's not a true friend.
2016-01-11 4:53 pm
true friends are hard to find, in some cases you have to know a person a long time to see if they are worthy of being a close friend. its not easy to find friends that will stand by you and have your back in hard times. there is no true test to test a person with you just have to wait and watch.
2016-01-10 10:29 pm
True friends are those who make you feel good about yourself they never they never make you feel bad about what you do,how you look or how the way you act. Friends are those who never tell you to do things just because they are they shouldn't make you do anything you don't want to do! They should never make you dislike anyone if they don't they should also never date a boy oyu like
2016-01-10 9:18 pm
True friends help when you're down fake friends only want you when your up in life.
2016-01-10 6:15 pm
I didn't test mine. It just happens. Ur lucky if u found 1 true friend that will stick to u and knows u better than the others.
But I've met 3 of them and that is a blessing.

U will know if they really are friend who will be by ur side if they can decipher whether ur lying or not, happy or sad, when ur hiding something from them, and the atmosphere between u two is balance.

From my own experience, just from a single text reply, they already know what's up.
Friend: where are you ?
Me: you?
Friend: oh my God! U just woke up didnt u?! Take a bath already and get over here quickly!

Sorry this is long but they can distinguish clearly, basically they are family not by blood but the bonds u all share are the ssame
2016-01-13 10:00 am
Making a million friends is not a miracle.

A miracle is making that one friend who will stand by you even when millions are against you.
2016-01-13 5:32 am
Sadly if they treat you like sh** then they're not real friends a real friend is there for you when millions are against you and through your good and bad times
參考: Experience
2016-01-13 5:31 am
They stay with you whether you have money or not. They don't criticise you and help you out. They won't question why? They just are there when you need a shoulder to cry on.
2016-01-12 8:55 am
If you're there for them when they need you, and they're not there for you when you're having issues and they don't give you the time of day. That isn't a true friend.
2016-01-11 10:34 pm
Why do you want to test them anyways? I think you have trust issues and I think it's a good idea for you to trust yourself before you start testing anyone.
2016-01-11 4:08 pm
LOL; Old Navy joke; A friend is someone who gets two BJs, and brings one back for you !
2016-01-11 8:18 am
Put your friend through a test to see if they would fight for you but make sure you have a sniper in place in case they are just using you to advance. You never know and if they turn on you oh well that's what the sniper is for.
2016-01-11 5:51 am
Tell him that you have no money and then see if he spends the same number of hours as in the earlier days.
2016-01-11 12:13 am
There are tests for a good friendship, those tests are called life. There are tests in you life and that is when you will find out who your true friends are!
2016-01-11 7:41 pm
If you're sad and they are there......they r true friends
If you stop hanging out with them and they miss you........they r true friends
If they don't leave you out.....they're r true friends
If they stand up for you when everyone hate u.....they r true friends
If they make you feel good about yourself.......they r true friends

But if I'm honest you should know if they r ur true friends.ANd if you think they aren't there's a good probability they aren't.
2016-01-14 6:09 pm
Ask for a loan.
2016-01-14 1:13 am
Just wait and see
2016-01-13 6:35 pm
no need to test a friend , friends will show their true color eventually

answer mine?
2016-01-13 5:15 pm
2016-01-12 5:39 pm
if they are not a true friend, they wont be there to support you
2016-01-12 5:27 pm
2016-01-12 5:11 pm
Is the friend a human?

Then, it's not a true friend.
2016-01-12 2:54 pm
wow this seems so me.... :D i have some stuff i knew from some websites like if around his eyes gets wrinkly while meeting you, that means hes a true friend happy to see u around but with that knowledge i felt like im cheating around which im aware of but i reealy dont care cuz i know myself as a wasted friend :)
2016-01-12 10:49 am
Someone you meet is either a friend for life or a lesson for life. Match their words with their actions and pay attention to who they associate with when you're not around.
2016-01-12 7:27 am
If you got this idea, then you did not treat him as your best/true friend
2016-01-12 6:20 am
Ask them
2016-01-11 10:04 pm
True friends will respect you, help you, love you, forgive you each time you fight, make you laugh, cheer you up, give you food:p but keep in mind that nobody is perfect!
2016-01-11 5:34 pm
If you have to test your friends loyalty, they don't deserve you.
2016-01-11 5:49 am
2016-01-11 5:22 am
A true friend will help you dispose of the bodies.
2016-01-11 3:51 am
The "test" is called: TIME.
2016-01-11 1:00 am
Be observant of their actions.

No need to put them through a dramatic test or fake a situation to see their reaction. Just pay close attention to them and their intentions.
2016-01-11 12:38 am
theres no such thing sadly
2016-01-10 11:59 pm
Obama says no
2016-01-10 5:59 pm
Your inner feeling- if you have a doubt about that person follow your gut feeling, you usually are right. They will lend you money, when you are in need, if they have it, they do not go out and date your lover- and they treat you as a family member--good like you are there blood.
2016-01-10 5:00 pm
2016-01-10 2:50 pm
If you have to test them...your not a true friend.

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