Is United States presidential election false universal suffrage?

2016-01-10 8:36 am
US presidential election is dominated by two biggest political parties (Democratic party and Republican party), thereby indirectly restrict other political parties or independent candidates to win. In other words, the voters has no real choice or no freedom of choice to elect president. "One country two biggest political parties" architecture precisely makes presidential election unfair and unjust. We oppose to big enterprise to monopolize the market, why we do not oppose to the "one country two biggest political parties" to monopolize president election? Why we do not oppose to the election mode of "one country two biggest political parties"?

US president candidates are "screened" through presidential primary elections and caucuses held in each state, and the presidential nominating conventions held by each political party. "Screening" to the end, only two candidates (Democratic and Republican) are allowed to be elected by "one person one vote". In other words, US voters have no real choice or no freedom of choice to elect their own liked candidates for US president.

US voters elect presidential electors in "electoral college". The electors then votes for president. The "electoral votes", but not "one person one vote", decides who is the US president. Otherwise, George Bush would not have won. US presidential election has fair and equitable participation right, but do not have “one person one vote” right of electing president.

回答 (1)

2016-01-10 1:53 pm


2000年總統選舉,民主黨的Al Gore若果是普選的話已經勝出,不過因為選舉人票的制度,由共和黨的George Bush勝出。

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:17:07
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