When can you stop eating McDonalds?

2016-01-10 7:55 am
To all those McDonald lovers

回答 (31)

2016-01-11 10:48 am
Never I'm Loving It
2016-01-10 10:08 am
As long as it's around. Sometimes on my off plan meal days I will want MCDonalds. I do not all them cheats because I plan them. So when I am craving it I want a big mac, fries an orange drink and an apple pie. Yum. Fake food. Sometimes I just have to indulge.
2016-01-10 7:55 am
2016-01-15 1:36 am
I stopped eating Mc Donald's and Burger King a couple of years ago. I go to Wendy's now.
2016-01-12 10:44 am
I stopped when I was 15.
2016-01-12 7:39 am
I stopped when I was 15.
2016-01-11 10:35 pm
I did, for about 25 years. I worked there in college and ate there everyday (because it was free) and I made way too many french fries. I just couldn't bring myself to even go into a McD's for 25 years because of the smell. Then one day, I went in for coffee & it was ok. I do not go overboard. A yogurt here, a cheeseburger there. But never any fries...
2016-01-11 5:24 am
From Today's Morning
2016-01-10 11:18 pm
I use to be a Mcdonalds fan. Like I knew all the hate they got and I could still call it my favorite fast food place. Then I started working at a restaurant, and instead of spending money eating there I would just got to work and grab something for free. Now I go there once in awhile and it makes me so nauseous and sick, and I can't believe that used to be my favorite thing to put in my body.
2016-01-10 7:57 am
Haven't ate McDonald's in 2.5 years

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