Would it be bad if I got my hair dyed at a salon, but did touch ups at home?

2016-01-10 5:56 am
I haven't changed my hair in 10 years so I want to just go all out and get a cool haircut and a new color. I have dark brown hair so I was thinking a medium brown/red color. I am between jobs so I can't afford going to a salon every 6-8 weeks. Do many people do root touch ups at home? Or is it going to mess up my hair? Thanks!

回答 (2)

2016-01-10 6:02 am
If you have any red in your hair you might get brassy.
But no, you should be good. I use to do it all the time. Only if you're not bleaching. Adding dye is much simpler that bleaching
2016-01-10 6:01 am
I've been dying my hair for around about an year and none of it was done at a salon. Just be careful about it, research and read, and you'll be fine. Good luck! :)

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