My little sister is starting to put on weight and get bigger please help?

2016-01-10 5:34 am
My sister is 11 and she used to not eat a lot, she s not wry active either so she usually stayed normal but now she s started to eat more and put on more weight and get bigger. I know because the same exact thing is happening to her that happened to me at that age. My family s diet isn t bad but not great they think you can eat anything if you play sports which isn t true. She and I were never that into sports she likes to read and do art and studf but she also likes to have big breakfast and fatty foods and I don t want her to be miserable like me, she eats chips a lot and my family does big breakfast Sunday and my little brother has a bit of a stomach too but is more active. The problem is that we are already big boned girls and the weight makes it so much worse. I was unhappy so long and hated myself and now that I ve lost over 30 pounds and still have a long way too go I know how deep of a hole I dug myself in. I don t want her to have that horrible experience I did. My parents won t dare say anything but they need to talk to everyone about being healthier it s better for the family. I have so many issues I don t want her to go through. How do I tell my family this without it sounding insane. I m not skinny either I m 146 and 5 5, so I don t want to sound like a hypocrit but coming from someone who was obese it s accurate so how do I get them to listen?

回答 (4)

2016-01-10 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Tell your parents how you feel. Tell them you don't want her to feel the same way you did and that you only want to help.
2016-01-10 6:20 am
Actually your weight is pretty much right where you should be for your height and frame. Being concerned about health is very good but don't be overly concerned about numbers on the scale. Most of us aren't built to be 110 lbs and a size 2 and that's ok.

Rather than telling your sister that she's gaining weight and all that you could just lead by example. Invite her along on a walk, a bike ride, swim, playing frisbee, sleding, skating, or whatever else you enjoy doing that's physical. It doesn't have to be a sport, I get that you and she aren't into sports but there are lots of other things to do that are active.

Try to get the whole family involved in activities together. It's not only good for everyone's health but it's good for building your relationships. You could also offer to cook dinner now and then and prepare something healthy and delicious.

Don't get to carried away tho. To many times people try to take bacon eaters to tofu eaters and it just doesn't work. In fact it can turn them off of healthy food completely.

Finally both you and and your sister should watch the Dove Real Beauty videos and remember that you don't have to be a size 2 stick figure to be beautiful. Be healthy and love yourself for who you are!
2016-01-10 5:37 am
was she eating sweeets
2016-01-10 5:36 am
Your weight is fine. It sounds like you have an unhealthy obsession with weight and you are transfering it to your sister. IT should be her doctor who tells her if she has a weight problem. She is about to go through puberty, so it is normal to put on a little weight, especially when she will soon have a growth spurt and then her weight will match her height.

Do NOT say anything to her. Overeating is often emotional and criticism of that nature will make it worse.

Worry about yourself.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 16:15:08
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