When a woman knows her husband cheats, why won't she leave him?

2016-01-10 2:14 am

回答 (72)

2016-01-10 8:43 pm
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There are so many different reasons.

Each reason - different person.

There are finances, love, fright, just don't want to, closes eyes, afraid of failure, children, don't want to be alone, doesn't care if they cheat .. and the list goes on.
2016-01-10 9:18 am
Many possible reasons. I'm guessing that this is happening in your life or the life of someone you know. If it's someone you know, are you sure he's cheating and are you sure she knows? Tread very carefully in the relationships of other people because if what you think is true, you still don't know everything.
2016-01-11 2:13 pm
I'd never let a man walk all over me, if a man was to cheat on me he would be proving exactly that.

I hold great confidence and trust in my partner not to cheat, I've never suspected but as soon as he did cheat ( which he wont) he should be sure the front door doesn't hit him in the back of the head as he leaves.

One woman I know, she's been with her husband over 30 yrs, I think they were child hood sweethearts. She had a stroke and has never worked where as he owns his own business, they've got a gorgeous 5 bedroomed house 3 children and 4 grandchildren and she knows her husband has cheated on him previously, she's kicked off about it but still remained together.. I guess she's had a comfortable life where she is and she'd rather forget about him cheating and carry on with her comfortable life.
2016-01-10 11:44 pm
for many reasons sometimes they feel like they weren't doing something in the marriage. sometimes they feel like their relationship can be fixed. sometimes when their husband knows that she has found out they say they will never do it again and the wife believes them, but they most of the time being lying. I say once a cheat always a cheat. then again some times a woman don't think she can make it without the cheating husband, so they go along with them.
2016-01-12 11:06 pm
That's a very good question. I think they're stupid. If I found out my husband cheated on me, I'd immediately file for divorce. Afterall, there are only two reasons why I would file for divorce and there are infidelity and abuse towards my child or me. I would let my husband know this BEFORE marriage. If he still chooses to lose his marriage over some floozy hoe, his wish will be granted. Yes, I'll still love him, but that doesn't mean I have to lower my standards and lose my self respect by staying with a man who doesn't respect himself, me or our marriage.
2016-01-11 11:01 pm
After you've been together for awhile it's hard to just give up on a marriage & start over. After all if someone cheats it's not the other persons fault so why should they suffer, but they do. Same thing if a man knows his wife cheated on him, but chooses to forgive. It's tough either way. Best to be true to the one you married, unless you want to hurt them worse than death.

2016-01-11 1:00 am
despite the lie that the media perpetrates that women have a sex drive, they don't, especially married women. The first thing that goes in MOST marriages is the woman's desire (if they ever had one) to have sex, once they get the ring, they no longer want sex. What most women want is a big wedding, lots of shiny things and to make demands on their man. They are reinforced with the misinformation on daytime talk shows that women are the best, men are just pigs who are to serve women. Tune into the shows that are written by women, or for women, that mantra is professed and it backs up what the media puts out as the "truth", and women in this country have bought into it. When women find out their husbands aren't like they are on sit coms, or as the women of the "View" say their husbands are, they are embarrassed and don't want to start over with some other man.

What married women need to know, is that cutting their man off from sex for a variety of lame reasons, is the absolute recipe for him finding the kind of woman that does the sexual things you used to do before you got comfortable and got all of your shiny things and big wedding. There would be no cheating husbands without two women..one driving him to it, and one to open the door for him when he's driven out.
2016-01-11 1:18 am
I always said I would leave. Until I was put in that situation. I have stayed bc I truly love him and think it can work. It's very hard and I still don't have full trust in him and question things. I am working on it. As for some of the dumbass comments about sex and women don't give it up ya dah ya dah that's BS.....don't stereotype all women to be like that bc it's not the case! Women and men both cheat! I don't think it has to do with keeping someone happy all the time.......my husband had no reason and says he had no reason. I think it's something you chose to do. You chose to put your self in the situation and chose to let it go where it shouldn't. I also think some people seek the attention! Just like I have chose to stay bc I think someone can change. I guess I will find out.
2016-01-11 1:13 am
Number of reasons. She doesn't want to work since she's so used to being a stay at home wife. Also she doesn't want to live with her relatives who talk bad about her husband in front of the kids. She doesn't want the other woman moving into her house. Or she signed a pre-nup so whatever assets and money that her husband has, she doesn't get a dime of it.
2016-01-12 10:12 pm
for many reasons sometimes they feel like they weren't doing something in the marriage. sometimes they feel like their relationship can be fixed. sometimes when their husband knows that she has found out they say they will never do it again and the wife believes them, but they most of the time being lying. I say once a cheat always a cheat. then again some times a woman don't think she can make it without the cheating husband, so they go along with them..
2016-01-13 2:08 am
A woman won't leave a man for various reason but one that is not listed is because it is the right thing to do. Marriage means no divorce, no matter the case and a woman that believes in that strongly will not leave her husband even if he's an abuser or cheater.

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