Is it sad to eat at a restaurant by yourself?

2016-01-09 8:54 pm

回答 (68)

2016-01-10 8:02 am
Heck no! I've eaten alone numerous times - I'm surrounded by people ALL DAY LONG and sometimes I just need to get away. I take a book, I have a delicious meal and, of course, always dessert that I don't have to share with anybody, and I have a wonderful, relaxing time.
2016-02-11 2:08 am
Actually no it's not. My home is off island Montreal, but I work and have a pad in Ottawa, I often go to the restaurant on my own. Nothing sad about it at all, one has to eat.
2016-01-14 9:45 am
No, it's not sad. It's perfectly fine to go to a restaurant alone. (Yes I'm talking about a "sit down" type of bistro) .

I prefer to sit among like minded people anyway. If that like minded person is myself then all the better.
2016-01-14 7:04 am
No, I don't think so. Eating at restaurant by yourself, you can chose the food you like, don't have to worry about other people's taste, then you can leave once you finish eating, don't take time to waitng for someone who slowly eating.
2016-01-13 8:48 am
No, it is not. It is fun to eat at a restaurant by a person's self. At least for me it is.
2016-01-12 7:08 pm
Its not a prefered place to go to, you can always bring a friend a long. Why do people have to put food with being with someone that just doesn't make sense.
Eat anywhere you'd like you don't need to date someone to go to a resturant though if you choose too. If someone ask if you have a date, just say no but I'm interested in the food choices at this resturant that I can't get anywhere else I assume. (sarcasm) to them.
2016-01-12 5:44 am
No because some cases you could be busy and you wanted something to eat. Keeping yourself preoccupied can help if you feel lonely but actually it isn't sad when you eat alone sometimes it can be relaxing .
2016-01-11 10:42 pm
Heck no! I've eaten alone numerous times - I'm surrounded by people ALL DAY LONG and sometimes I just need to get away. I take a book, I have a delicious meal and, of course, always dessert that I don't have to share with anybody, and I have a wonderful, relaxing time.
2016-01-11 7:09 pm
No I don't think sometimes I go and eat by myself not because I don't have friends or family just because I'm in a rush or there's nothing good to eat at home so I go out and treat myself a bit and sometimes I just want to be alone because I had a bad day or something and I go out and eat alone so yes I don't think there's nothing sad about it.
2016-01-10 11:48 pm
It is sad if you are lonely, and don't want to dine by yourself, but have no choice. But I eat alone in a restaurant all the time because I like the quiet. I also like sushi and nobody else in my family does, so I go there sometimes. I used to bring a book because I was embarrassed, but I now don't mind and actually have met a lot of really cool people doing this.

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