How do I deal with the death of my dog.?

2016-01-09 4:55 pm
So my dog had to be put asleep a few days ago. I remember the first two nights i could not sleep and was constantly crying. The days that followed seemed to be better but I have a ton of pictures and videos of my dog on my phone. I got my dog when I was 2 years old and now that she was put to sleep I don t know how to deal with her no being here. It s just hard to believe that al my life I had her by my side and now she is gone. How should I deal with my everyday for no one knowing that she is gone? Should i watch the videos and look at the pictures of my dog, or should i completely ignore them?

回答 (6)

2016-01-09 7:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I would wait a while until you are having more good days than bad. Over my 57 years, I have lost many dogs and horses and it never gets easier. Time and allowing yourself to feel sad is all you can do, and in about 2 months, you should be able to get through the days easier. I lost 3 pets in a month a year from last October, 1 was expected, 2 were not and it hit me hard. I lost 80% of my hair due to stress and i continue to lose weight. Most of the time I have good memories spontaneously, but it doesn't take much to trigger the bad ones. My hair did respond to rogaine and began to grow back, but I had surgery recently and it's falling out again. Find a caring friend or your parents to talk to you, and your parents might not be able to help, as they are upset, too. the SPCA has counselors to help with grief.
2016-01-09 5:05 pm
Watch them, and whatever you do, don't make the mistake of deleting them. Mourning the loss of a pet it totally normal. In time, you will enjoy looking at those pictures and remembering the time that you took them. Our pets love us unconditionally and she would not want you to be sad. It takes a while adjust to them not being there - she was a big part of your life for a long time. In time, you may want to honor her memory by adopting another dog to honor her memory - it won't be replacement but will fill the hole in your heart that a pet's passing leaves.
2016-01-09 4:59 pm
Sorry for the lost of your dog. Look at the pictures and remember all the good times you had you had with her. As time passes it will get better for you. Now I know my answer will not be much help for you, but I wish you the best.
2016-01-09 5:26 pm
Dealing with grief has been described by many experts. Post this in the psychology section.
2016-01-09 4:59 pm
It is fine to cry.
but i think honestly that the more you look at the pictures and videos the more you will think of her death and it leads to more crying,it's hard to just "get over it"but slowly slowly you will get better.It's nice to put up a picture of you and your dog in a nice frame next to your bed:]
i am sorry.not completely ignore them but just try not to look at him constantly you just feel more sad.hope this helps:]

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