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I would wait a while until you are having more good days than bad. Over my 57 years, I have lost many dogs and horses and it never gets easier. Time and allowing yourself to feel sad is all you can do, and in about 2 months, you should be able to get through the days easier. I lost 3 pets in a month a year from last October, 1 was expected, 2 were not and it hit me hard. I lost 80% of my hair due to stress and i continue to lose weight. Most of the time I have good memories spontaneously, but it doesn't take much to trigger the bad ones. My hair did respond to rogaine and began to grow back, but I had surgery recently and it's falling out again. Find a caring friend or your parents to talk to you, and your parents might not be able to help, as they are upset, too. the SPCA has counselors to help with grief.