Should Canada end all military intervention against ISIS?

2016-01-09 4:53 pm
Only in the context of the Islamic State in Syria and not in Iraq.

Answers for both sides (for and against) with support please!

回答 (6)

2016-01-09 4:55 pm
No worries, brah, I'll have the paper ready for ya inna week, no I'ma sayin'. Right now, I gotta move some snow! lol
2016-01-09 4:57 pm
Sure, because everyone knows if you are extra nice to radical Islamists they will leave you alone to live in peace.
2016-01-09 4:55 pm
No, let them help.
2016-01-10 3:13 am
Trudeau stated upon election he would withdraw Canadian forces from the region.
2016-01-09 5:45 pm
No it should not.
2016-01-09 4:54 pm
Yes ISIS needs pounding to dust.

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