How can I get my husband to loosen up and drink alcohol? He uses the excuse that he won't because his parents were alcoholics?

2016-01-09 2:42 am
OK so it wasnt a problem when we were dating and first few years of marriage. I enjoyed that he didn't drink because he could be my babysitter and chauffeur when I was drunk.
However I'm 25 and most of my friends are finally settling down too which means less drinking. Since they have kids but I don't.
So I want to drink and go out with my husband but he's like an old man.
He won't drink and he gets tense in bars and clubs and insists we leave if he feels like something bad is going to happen.
I get that he's damaged by his alcoholic parents but jesus it was years since he lived with them and dealt with their messes!
What can I do about this situation? His boringness is driving me crazy!

回答 (31)

2016-01-09 2:54 am
When did being sober translate into being boring for you? HE hasn't changed. HIS relationship with alcohol hasn't changed. So it's YOUR relationship with alcohol that's changed. Changed so much that him being your designated driver is no longer good... you desire that he become a drinker.

There is a world of things to do and see and experience. The one you are choosing is getting drunk in clubs. That's the one!

I don't know how you can make a person drink who doesn't want to do so. Ask your husband to make a list of 8 things he'd love to do, go, learn, experience and spend his money on and try doing those things with him! Give it a try.
2016-01-09 4:12 am
If you need to drink in order to have fun, you are the one with the problem. Maybe he was drawn to you because you remind him of his alcoholic parents? If that's the case, it's best to end this unhealthy relationship.
2016-01-09 8:26 am
How is someone not drinking EVER a problem? If you don't think that it's possible to have a good time without drinking, you might want to seek some professional help with your alcohol problem.
2016-01-09 3:53 am
It appears everything is about what is convenient for you, you and you. .Give the guy a break. If he doesn't want to drink why force him. Have you thought that should he start to drink he might like it so much he might turn out to be an alcoholic like his parents. Children of alcoholics have been known to have a penchant for alcohol . A marriage is suppose to be a sharing of oneself for the happiness of your partner .
2016-01-10 1:49 pm
Why are you so hung up on drinking. You sound very selfish and immature. He does not want to drink and he has good reason. IF his parents were alcoholics there is a good chance that he could become one and he is doing the right thing by not drinking what is wrong with you? You are 25 high time to stop acting like a kid. You are crazy if you can only find excitement in life by drinking. I think you are an idiot.
2016-01-09 2:53 am
You should be happy you have a loving husband. Everyone has flaws and your husband obviously is damaged in this situation. You and your husband don't always need to get drunk and go to clubs,there are many other fun things to do.You should try talking to him and being honest. If he doesn't want to go out, go out by yourself or with friends. Best thing to do is talk to him,don't make him feel like he's being a pussy not drinking.If you both feel like its holding you back you could try counselling.
2016-01-10 8:50 pm
Honestly, you are a selfish b*tch and I hope your husband leaves you to drink yourself silly. How can you be 25 years old and have the attitude of a stuck up, 16 year old? Sounds like you are the boring one if you're so hung up on booze. Alcoholism runs in my family too and due to heart problems I recently had to stop drinking.and I'm okay with that. I guess your life was too perfect to understand that childhood traumas and problems in the home can affect you deeply for the long-term and those scars don't just heal. Sounds like you need to be with someone who matches up with your mental age, but that would be statutory rape.
Your husband sounds like a decent man and deserves much, much better than you.
C*nt is what you are.
2016-01-10 6:21 am
Being sober isn't being boring the fact he's aware it's likely he may be proned to alcoholism he made a wise choice not fallowing that path. All you care about it your party life. Time to grow up and realize you have a problem
2016-01-10 9:36 am
Growing up with alcoholic parents is not an "excuse" for not drinking. If you need to go to bars and he's made it clear that he doesn't want to be around drinking, divorce NOW. You don't like him very much and if he's not stopped loving you yet, he will. You should leave him very soon because he deserves better than you. You need to leave him before you have kids.
參考: My wife likes to argue and scream when she drinks. It's damaged our marriage horribly.
2016-01-12 3:52 pm
Look your dumb first off second my half brother went through this same issue he came from an abusive alcoholic mother who half the time went to work with a drink in her. He swore he'd never drink, he met his first wife that pressured him and pressured him to drink go to bars ect. He finally caved I after years of sobriety and you want to know where he is now? Broke with an addiction that he refuses to admit he is basically a functioning alcoholic be goes to work sober does what he has to then the second he gets home doesn't matter what time it is he drinks like 7-8 beers every day his off days he drinks moonshine and vodka all day starts at noon he cant go a second without it. So if your smart you'd let your husband be sober, best thing you could do for him.

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