I feel like whenever i listen to metal bad things tend to happen i feel like god is punishing me am i just being paranoid?

2016-01-09 12:32 am

here on some of the things my father lost his job my fathers gf got in a wreck she is okay we had to return a rental car because they told us we had to return it but we payed for it to use for a week

回答 (7)

2016-01-09 12:44 am
I reckon God's got more important things to worry about than what music you're into.
2016-01-09 1:03 am
No God is not punishing you. That kind of music though opens doors to demons. There is such a thing as backward messages in songs. It's very creepy. https://youtu.be/Cs9wEjUdbRM
2016-01-09 12:56 am
No it is just the religious people around you
2016-01-09 12:45 am
I'm sure its slight paranoia because you're let alone already thinking it might be, but generally metal just sounds rugged, and dark. Sometimes the lyrics are very well written but the way it is presented just seems too much for me.
2016-01-09 12:40 am
A person can live a more loving and virtuous life by saying at least 15 decades of the angelic psalter of the Blessed Virgin daily and with care.
2016-01-09 12:40 am
Stop listening to metal. Problem solved.
2016-01-09 12:37 am
Maybe you should stop listening to Metal.

It sounds like it could be 1 of 2 things:
1) God's trying to get your attention;
2) The enemy's able to reach through many different means. Depending on the type of metal you're listening to, he may be getting at you through there.
Have you tried listening to Christian metal? There are some pretty good ones out there.

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