Is s*x for pleasure bad?

2016-01-08 10:42 pm
It's physical, emotional, chemical, and psychological too!
I used to be Christian, and it was kind of taboo to think of s*x outside of JUST procreating like a robot. It was a "sin" to think of s*x as anything other then that.
Is it just considered too "worldly" to know??? .....
I mean, It's hardwired into our body's system and brain! If ''god'' wanted us to JUST have kids, why go to so much trouble to make this in our bodies!?

回答 (19)

2016-01-09 8:37 am
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In seminary, I took a Sexual Ethics class where I learned that sexuality is a gift from God. So, sex for pleasure is not bad at all!

Of course, rules about being married are there, but, within a marriage, pretty much anything goes.
2016-01-08 10:48 pm
Not between a husband and wife

but the pleasure of sex isnt our focus - its two becoming one flesh that gives us joy and satisfaction
2016-01-08 10:47 pm
Of course not. Though I prefer sex out of love instead of only just for pleasure. And even though I'm an agnostic, I prefer to wait a few months while in a relationship. Those are my own morals though, I don't try to force them upon anyone else.
2016-01-08 10:43 pm
Many Christian couples enjoy sex.
If you think there is something wrong with that, you should seek help.
2016-01-08 11:15 pm
Sex for pleasure is the way it is supposed to be, between a married man and woman.

2016-01-08 10:49 pm
It's completely normal and acceptable.

Some religions have prohibitions against it, while others don't.
2016-01-08 10:45 pm
Uh, no, of course not!
2016-01-09 1:26 am
Well, since that is all Americans do, I guess the PC answer would be no.

IT isn't the sin. It's how it's used that is. Today, kids breed like rabbits, using abortion as the means to solve their problem. They're too lazy to use birth control. They spread STDs without emotion in their search for pleasure.

The key here is control. Kids today have NO control. The church demands too much, at least for some. Ever notice how their priests partake but forbid the congregation? Or how it's OK for men but wrong for women?

Yes, it is hardwired in. Do you want to be an animal or a human? Though, I could argue animals are more moral and superior. You see, they have a system that doesn't need money and support to survive in. Humans do, and they abandon their children to die. In caves, trash bins, and without a mother and father to support it.
2016-01-08 11:08 pm
Not if you're married to each other.
2016-01-08 11:17 pm
You are using common sense, something religions don't want you to do. Sex is as natural to humans as eating, drinking and sleeping. I go with the hippie motto's: Make Love Not War, and Free Love. It is wrong if you are deceiving your partner. Like you need to leave now my husband/wife will be home soon!
2016-01-09 5:31 am
God intended sex for married couples. Its called holy matrimony for a reason. God say go ahead and enjoy but only in holy matrimony.

Sex outside marriage is a perversion of what God intended. You create soul ties with people you sleep with. You create soul ties with people your partner has already slept with.

God made 1 man to join with 1 woman, NOT 1 join with many.

Perverted unions hardens the soul. Instead of respect for a partner, you start to see them as objects of pleasure. Vanilla sex becomes boring after a while and you need more and more and more kinkiness. Eventually you cross a line and move into sex that gets you in trouble with the police.

Perverted soul ties, unbroken before a marriage to a spouse leads to a tampered marriage union. A person who was never free to get married (has soul ties) ,when they marry a person (say a virgin), they force soul ties to their spouse and also contribute to a weak union. A weak union leads to divorce. Marriage isn't about having a partner 24/7 for pleasures, its about cooperating to get more things done than 1 single person can ever do, its about companionship, its about encouragement to each other. Its never about selfishness, take all I can at the expense of the spouse mentality that modern marriages have.

Holy marriage is a reflection of God's covenant to humans. God has chosen the Jews, have always stuck by them, still stand by them even today, never changed His mind about them. This is what God want us to do with our spouse also - be faithful just like God is.
2016-01-09 12:31 am
I'm curious. If you don't have any problems with sex, in or out of wedlock, why did you spell the word as "s*x"?

Something tells me you're more inhibited than most Christians are. Sex is great, WITHIN marriage, and having sex outside of marriage is NOT unforgivable. I say that point-blank because a lot of non-Christians out there like to claim that Christians think sex is dirty :p. It isn't, but it's meant only for (heterosexual) marriage. Between husband and wife, however, anything goes ;)
2016-01-09 12:18 am
Nope, if it is with your spouse in a normal marriage between a man and his wife.
2016-01-09 12:09 am
Nope, it's not.

In fact, it is healthy, pleasurable, creates and maintains bonds of emotion and loyalty, relieves stress, reduces the chances of certain sorts of disease, and is generally positive.

One can say many of the same things regarding masturbation, excepting only the bonding elements.
2016-01-08 11:16 pm
go away.
2016-01-08 10:46 pm
Is s*x (sic) for pleasure bad?

Only if you don't do it properly!
2016-01-08 10:43 pm
Nope, not between consenting adults of the same species.
2016-01-08 10:47 pm
A person can better avoid committing sins of lust and other sins if he or she practices the Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Mother.
2016-01-08 11:48 pm
Only if she is ugly.

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