Why is there red gooey stuff coming out of my vagina?

2016-01-08 8:21 pm
I went to pee and I look down to wipe and I see a long strand of gooeyness that is redish brown (more on the red side) I haven t gotten my first period yet.

回答 (25)

2016-01-09 2:00 am
That's period blood mixing with normal vaginal discharge - super normal! Your pee was still yellow 'cause it didn't come out of your pee hole, it came out of your vagina hole. Congratulations on your first period. Remember to tell your family so you can get pads and stuff!
2016-01-08 8:23 pm
Sounds like you've just got it!
2016-01-09 6:04 pm
That is actually your first period. It's darker because maybe some older blood is mixed in with it that has been in you waiting to get out earlier, and brown indicates a richer iron content in your blood, which is good.
2016-01-09 5:28 pm
Ahh thats your period! Better get used to it every month!
2016-01-08 11:12 pm
This is most likely your first period coming. Sort out pads and things and go talk to your mum or guardian about getting more, as well as what you should do.
2016-01-11 5:36 am
Yeah, you have. That's your period. Pop open the grape-juice, kiddo. Cheers! Welcome to hell!
But yeah, I know, when I got my first period, I was expecting thin, rose-red nectar. That's FAR from period blood. Period blood is thick and sticky and brownish. Stinks, too. Oh, and word of advice: The faster you have easy access to ibuprofen and tampons, the easier your life will be. Pads suck. So do cramps and migraines.
2016-01-09 1:55 am
That is your first period hun. That is what a period looks like
2016-01-08 8:37 pm
Yeah...your pee with still be yellow. If you are heavy and your pee, sometimes you will see blood in the toilet..nothing to worry about though.
2016-01-08 9:46 pm
You probably did get your first period
2016-01-10 3:54 am
Well, my first guess is that you have now. This sounds like a common description of a girls first period. Either that, or you have been hiding strawberry or cherry Gummi Bears somewhere you shouldn't have been. :-)

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