Could I be pregnant, 16 years old, still a virgin?

2016-01-08 6:47 pm
I don't exactly know what may have caused this but my periods 3 to 2 days late. The only sexual activity i have engaged in is oral etc but not intercourse. However i am a bit concerned just incase my boyfriend didnt wipe his hands before fingering me. However we normally wait after i do stuff to him to do stuff to me. I am a bit concerned because maybe he had precum on his hands or ejaculation. So i dont know how i would of gotten pregnant if thats the case

I have been having a little pain on the left side or my ovaries. And its been on and off for ages and its only been on that side. I have also been having yellowish with a brownish tinge discharge for a day now. I have Also had a weird sickish gross feeling down there like i am supposed to be getting my period but im not. I have been have dieareah and my breasts have been sore recently but not really extremely painful.

I dont know wether i am just over reacting. I am just really concerned.

回答 (10)

2016-01-09 5:45 pm
The aliens have implanted sperm inside you in the night .of course your not.
2016-01-08 6:49 pm
You are overreacting.
2016-01-08 6:49 pm
No if your a virgin then you have not had intercourse and so you can not be pregnant unless divine intervention has actually happened which I doubt very much
2016-01-08 8:42 pm
That makes sense. That could actually happen, and might bet reason But you should go buy a pregnancy test to be 100% sure.
2016-01-11 12:44 am
Take a pregnancy test, it's unlikely but not impossible
2016-01-10 7:05 pm
Very unlikely you are pregnant
2016-01-10 4:07 pm
you're not pregnant. there was no sex. there's not even like a chance; worrying delays your period. happens to me dozens of times! you're fine.
2016-01-08 10:11 pm
Try and relax. He has to be in you and have an orgasm in you before you can become pregnant.
2016-01-08 7:30 pm
I am not going to say it is impossible, because thing do happen, but is very unlikely to be pregnant.

White discharge with a yellowish hue is normal. Brown discharge is typically discharge with blood in it. Either: 1) You are starting your period. 2) He was two rough and it caused some bleeding.

Pain on your ovaries is usually ovulation, which occurs between days 13-15 of your cycle. Day 1 of your cycle is the first day of your period and the last day of your cycle is the day before your next period. The average cycle is 28 days long. You should download a period tracker app for your phone to chart your cycles, it will help make it easier to know when your period is due.

You could: 1) Be pregnant - not very likely. 2) Have a cold/flu or the start of a cold/flu. 3) Be PMSing/getting your period soon. Believe it or not, our periods can mess with our stomachs causing nausea, diarrhea, gas, and constipation. 4) Ovulating - which can cause PMS like symptoms.

If you are becoming sexually active soon, please speak to your doctor about birth control. There are many options available.

Stress, anxiety, lifestyle changes, illness, lack of sleep, etc. can all delay a period. Worrying about it is not helping.
2016-01-08 7:02 pm
You're not pregnant. Don't worry

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