I got an STD from my married boyfriend. Should I warn his wife (anonymously)?

2016-01-08 2:13 pm

回答 (29)

2016-01-09 3:34 am
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yes yes yes please tell them. Many times when women have STDs its unnoticeable and can go undetected for years causing really serious problems and infertility. Its bad enough that your with this women's husband, but do you want to kill her? Or steal children from her forever? Please do the right thing and tell her.
2016-01-08 2:19 pm
Why anonymously? Are you ever going to act like a proper adult instead of a silly little girl playing games you're clearly losing at every way you turn?
It sound like this woman's husband is sleeping with many women, so you may be making some friends at the health clinic.
Maybe his wife gave it to her husband after sleeping with whoever she has on the side.
Never a dull moment right?!
2016-01-08 7:08 pm
God this is so wrong on so many levels. It's not the fact that he's married that you're concerned about, it's the fact that he gave you a disease and now your want to warn his wife?? Why are you having sex with such a man? He's married and he's infected. What a lowlife! Can't you find anything better than that? He and his wife should be none of your business. Get cleaned up and dump him.
2016-01-08 4:18 pm
All you will be doing is putting a
big target on your back -- you'll
be blamed for having seduced
him AS WELL as giving him the
STD. Time for you to grow up.
2016-01-08 3:18 pm
No. You want to get revenge by telling his wife but you should be woman enough to accept the consequences of your actions, sleeping with a man you know is a cheater. So he cheated on you with someone else & with is wife, I hope you didnt think he was being faithful to you. Its possible that hes in an open marriage & his wife gave him the STD. In any event, hope you've learned a lesson about safe sex & sleeping around with men you know are sleeping with someone else.
2016-01-08 3:58 pm
No, you shouldn t tell the man s wife about what you have gotten from HER husband! You just want to break up the marriage. Look the guy is no good, and if she hasn t found out that she has an STD by now, then I am sure that she will soon. Then she will know what kind of man she is dealing with. He is nasty, and you are nasty as well! You know better than to sleep with a married man anyway. It doesn t work out for you and you will lose. If you go and tell his wife, I hope that she puts a really good beating on you. Who knows, you could have passed him the STD. Shameful behavior, and you should definitely be ashamed of your nasty selves. Grown people still giving one another STD s. That s why our kids are not learning how to act, because adults are still not acting how they should be.
2016-01-08 4:54 pm
your doctor wil contact him, then his doctor will contact his wife for a possible std
this is how it played out when a friend of mine wife got an std from an affair
2016-01-11 1:31 am
I just want to know what kind of a person you are to sleep with a married man. If I knew any better I'd say you don't really deserve much help when it comes to doing the right thing now...
2016-01-10 2:27 am
me personally would go to his house and straight tell his wife "Hey im (you) and ive been sleeping with your husband for ( amount of time) and we both have (the std) then walk away and let him take the heat. He should know better then to cheat on his wife
2016-01-08 8:12 pm
both you and his wife have likely caught this STD from an extreme cheater. it is a sign to you he is not faithful to any woman, just keep away from him,. once a cheater always a cheater
2016-01-08 6:58 pm
No. They will blame you for giving them STD. You should dump the married boyfriend, he's not only cheating on his wife, he's cheating on you and giving you STD's.

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