Sleeping times.?

2016-01-08 10:53 am
I'm a student and below is my timetable:
0630 wake up and go to school.
1700 get back
2230 sleep.
So here's a deal, can I sleep at 1900 to 2100, then do my homework, then 0030 I sleep again to 0630.
Will it be a positive, neutral or a negative effect?

回答 (1)

2016-01-08 10:56 am
whatever works for you

when I worked shift work many years ago my work was from 2am to 10am

when I got home near midday I would go to bed until say 5pm when the rest of the family came home - enjoy a part of the evening with them including the evening meal then return to bed for another three or four hours

I found it worked very well for me and caused no problems

I think the thing is, so long as its a routine and you are actually getting required sleep, especially allowing enough time to get to that "deep sleep" state its fine health wise

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 14:17:13
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