Am I the only one who is a first generation college student who is struggling?

2016-01-08 2:46 am
My parents have immigrated here to the US, so they didn t go to college. They came here and started working immediately. I am living with my mom and it s hard because her workforce is surrounded by wealthy people. I m not labeling, customers who she works with are living in a higher class. She always push me to do my college work and lifestyle in order to be a better person. But I have had problems: In elementary, mostly all throughout, I did profoundly good in my class every year. I had to do ESL by the way; In middle school, I got to a new school... private school, and I struggled all throughout because it was hard for me. I m still struggling in college now. My ACT was average, not very high. When I got accepted into college, I was really astonished and happy at the same time. My mom sometimes pushes me down because she s always seeing how other students she ve met through her work are making like 30s on the ACT. I really don t care unless, I achieve my real goals in the future. Even I try to put all my effort, I don t have time, because my life is usually so busy. I am not smart. I am kind of below average or close to it. I am sometimes slow when thinking things, I don t know why. I feel like I m alone in this, I know I should be talking to a counselor or something, but I feel like I should say it on here first. Thank you for those reading though.

回答 (3)

2016-01-08 3:08 am
Freshman year is always hard, for everyone. It is a lot different than HS and you have no one there to help you (mom). It is hard to figure things onm your own and make your way through life.

You should be very proud of yourself. I think you give yourself very little credit. Also, thank your mom for encourage you to pursue college. She must be so very proud of you so you can have the opportunites that she never had. She knows that without education, you will always be looking at other people's nicer cars, nicer homes, nicer everything. That is why she pushes you. Now it is up to you, her job is done.

You are NOT alone!!!!!! A lot of kids drop out of college on their freshman year. It can be alot of pressure and a lot of competition that a lot of kids are not prepared to face. It is hard. You will ge throught it I am sure.

Good luck
2016-01-08 2:49 am
You're not alone, I don't think I'm ever going to be able to afford to finish off my degree here at Indian Hills College in Ottumwa, Iowa. My dorm costs about 2/3 of what I make and my tuition about costs the rest of it. I am so poor that I can't even afford water, I have to drink my own tears. I have to milk myself like I'm a tear cow. I can't even afford insoles for my shoes, I have to use cardboard for insoles.
2016-01-08 3:10 am
My parents only have grade school level, but they worked all of their lives, and save money anyway they can. We came to the USA in the 60's, and like your parents started work right away. We hardly saw my dad, he would work @ this rich club from breakfast, and if they have parties, doesn't come home until they're done, about 2AM, and he walked 10 blocks, sleep some, and starts again before breakfast. It's specially hard during holidays! With all the monies saved up, not taking vacation off, they paid for their house in 2 years' installment. I worked part time, while going to HS, then got married, and postponed my college, until after the children were old enough to go to school on their own (middle - HS), and worked part time again while attending school.

Sure, college is the way to get a better job, but there are many who also dropped out of school to pursue acting, modeling, etc. becoming the 'bread winner' of the family. If you're struggling with college, maybe you've got other talents that you can do to make a living, and still be able to support yourself.

The idea is, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO, no matter where you work, or how much schooling, if you are not dedicated in what you do that's PASSIONATE, there is no fun in that! People just work because they need money, but if they're not happy with their jobs, they are also struggling to get promoted or get out of bed, just so they can. You have to be DEDICATED & like what you're doing, to move forward in a positive way.
參考: After I got laid off, getting promoted, getting raises, and giving the company 120%, I decided to start my own business, and I'm on my 5th year. I am also not that smart! But, I'm happy, in what I'm doing. I was the only one in my family who attended college.

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