My landlord's teenage son has access to the key to my apartment. He is a very honest young man. Is it ok if he comes in any time he wants?

2016-01-07 8:50 pm

回答 (20)

2016-01-07 9:36 pm
No! Even your landlord needs to give you 24 hour notice to enter unless there is an emergency situation.
2016-01-07 10:09 pm
No, he has to give notice in accordance with state law.
2016-01-07 10:09 pm
No it is NOT ok nor should it ever be ok. Your landlord needs to notify you when he is entering
2016-01-07 8:59 pm
No, it is not.

Unless there is an emergency situation inside your rental unit, the landlord must give you prior notice of entry per your state's laws. The exception is if he knocks on your door & you allow him inside.
參考: FL landlord
2016-01-08 5:30 am
Only if you give him permission
2016-01-08 3:11 am
You may INVITE him in, you may GIVE him free run of the place, but he must legally give you prior NOTICE if he intends to enter as an agent of the landlord, for anything other than an emergency.

Edit: In some states the landlord has no right of entry at all, unless agreed in the lease, and would need your consent for each event. In such states there is no statutory "notice" requirement because notice is insufficient where specific consent is required. There is often, however, a court case determining what is "reasonable notice" for purposes of carrying out the entry permitted in the lease with such notice.
2016-01-07 10:57 pm
NO. He should not have a key in the 1st place. If he has a legitimate need to enter he must follow the notice to enter laws for your state the same as his dad does.
2016-01-07 10:46 pm
absolutely NOT!
2016-01-07 8:53 pm
Not legally unless you allow it. For emergencies like floods and fire they can but for normal things they must give 24 hours notice like inspections or installing smoke alarms.
Ask them not to enter without notice, you have no right to be home so they can work while you are at work but you have a right to notice.
2016-01-07 9:28 pm
That is for you to decide.
2016-01-11 1:35 am
Anytime he wants? - do you fear he might be using your apartment for a party pad while you're at work? - Change the lock - NOW - only the Manager may have a key or access to your apartment - if the "Son" is acting as the manager's agent - then you do have a problem. Children do not know the law (under 18 is a MINOR ... period) Give the "child" your cell phone number and work phone number - he must notify you BEFORE he enters your apartment. Set up some camera's - you are in for the ride of your life if this situation continues.
2016-01-10 12:22 am
would you let me enter your place whenever I wanted. like when you are in bed, or the shower? if not me why him?
2016-01-09 10:28 pm
No, because what happens, if you are naked.
2016-01-08 7:44 pm
If you're OK with that it's OK. If you're NOT OK with that even your landlord can't come in "any time he wants".
2016-01-08 5:58 pm
It would seem that by even asking the question here, you have no problem with him entering at will.
If you find out later, that items are missing or some damage has been done, you will have NO claim
for anything because of your choice of no 24 hour notice requirement by law and allowing a person to come
and go from your apartment at will.
參考: Knowledge.
2016-01-08 4:15 am
that would be a DIS-honest....but you're stupid anyway
2016-01-08 12:47 am
2016-01-08 12:43 am

but the choice is yours

(he may be honest he may not be - you think dishonest people go around with a sign on their head?
if he can go in when he wants, how do YOU know other people aint going in with him?
By allowing him to go in when he wants you have also given him implicit permission to let others in with him too
THAT could invalidate your insurance when it comes to claims involving him (eg for theft)
2016-01-07 11:37 pm
of course not.
2016-01-07 8:53 pm
If it's OK with you, it's OK with us.
2016-01-08 5:08 am
the landlord must give you prior notice of entry per your state's laws. The exception is if he knocks on your door & you allow him inside.

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