How do I hide my drinking from my husband?

2016-01-07 6:32 pm
The other night I woke up and vomited. My husband said he was concerned it was from drinking. Baloney. I only have 1-2 cocktails every other day. I am not a binge drinker or anything. If was probably from that pizza we ate earlier that looked not so fresh.

回答 (38)

2016-01-07 6:57 pm
I don't understand the question. Why WOULD you hide your drinking from your husband?
2016-01-07 6:35 pm
Don't hide it like a child, face him head on about it or either stop drinking.
2016-01-08 1:49 pm
If you drink much there's no need to hide it
2016-01-07 8:38 pm
When you hide something it could indicate that you are either ashamed of what you've done or are doing something that you know to be wrong... And if you are willing to hide something as trivial, as how much you've had to drink then i'd hate to think how far you would go to hide something more serious.... My advice.... Grow up! :-)
2016-01-07 7:51 pm
If you are hiding things from your husband you dont have a good marriage. Do you think hes hiding things from you right now? Maybe he is on here asking the question, "How do i divorce my wife who i dont trust because shes a liar?" Dont set up your marriage to fail by being a liar.
2016-01-07 10:51 pm
I'm with the folks who say if you have to hide it, it's a problem. If he's your husband, you should be able tow work on things like this together. Keeping secrets is never a good idea.
2016-01-10 3:32 am
A marriage supposed to be helping each other out, both of you guys are a team. No need to hide it from him. Work together on figuring out a way for him to be okay with it.
2016-01-08 11:37 am
Just try to stop drinking before your husband came to know & then nothing to hide.
2016-01-08 5:50 am
Why would you hide your drinking from your husband? We all know that one of the best parts about marriage is being so comfortable with your hubby that you can say just about anything to him.i think it's not a problem to express our feelings to them and it made the relationship is stronger.otherwise it can be damaging in the long time.
2016-01-07 11:24 pm
You shouldn't have to hide it. Also, (speaking from experience) if you drink even just a couple drinks every day or every other day that can be just as hard if not harder on your liver. And if you're throwing up you have alcohol poisoning. Everyone's tolerance is different.

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